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On February 28th 2020 a conference was held in the conference room of the Riviera hotel in Pergusa. It was about the myth of Colapesce and the titans. Dr Macaluso, who is a member of the Order, had carried out his first conference in 2001 when HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies had placed a plaque on the island’s volcano bearing a writing: THIS ISLAND IS AND WILL ALWAYS BELONG TO THE SICILIAN PEOPLE. After a few months, the plaque was destroyed. The plaque was replaced in 2010 in the presence of HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies.

On February 28th the vice delegate, accompanied by Mr. Matteo Bertino, representative of the city of Enna, Mr. Alessandro Balsamo and the Constantinian chaplain Father Dario Pavone, were received by H.E. Msgr Rosario Gisana, bishop of Piazza Armerina. The meeting allowed for a discussion on the delegation’s current and future activities.

On February 26th a representation of the delegation attended the Ash Mass at the Church of San Francesco di Paola in Catania.

On February 26th the second monthly distribution of products of the project Briciole di Salute took place in Monreale. The vice delegate, Mr. Leonardo Soloperto, Ms. Daniela Prestigiacomo and Ms. ntonella Zito distributed homogenized products, milk, pasta, two strollers and different clothes.

On February 24th, Mr. Matteo Bertino, Mr. Alessandro Balsamo, Mr. Giovanni Paternò and Ms. Giuseppina Crescrimanna offered Father Dario Pavone several products for children.

On February 22nd a distribution of products took place in Carini. The vice delegate, accompanied by Mr. Giulio Pillitteri, delivered to the Archpriest of Carini, Father Giacomo Sgroi, homogenized, baby pasta and diapers of different sizes.

The monthly delivery of products of the project Briciole di Salute, supported by the delegations of Sicily and of Tuscany, took place on February 21st at the Casa del Sorriso in Monreale.

On February 20th the Vice Delegate, accompanied by Mr. Michele Salerno and Mr. Baldassare Cacioppo, delivered food to H.E. Mgr. Domenico Mogavero, Bishop of the Diocese of Mazara del Vallo. The bishop received the delegation at the episcopal palace where they were able to discuss the collaboration that links the diocese of Mazara with the delegation itself.

On February 18th, Archbishop Salvatore Grimaldi celebrated a mass on the occasion of his 43rd anniversary as a priest at the Constantinian Basilica La Magione. After the religious ceremony, a reception was held at the parish hall.

On February 19th, H.E. Most Rev. Antonio Staglianò, bishop of the Diocese of Noto, celebrated a solemn pontifical at the cathedral on the occasion of the feast of the Patron of Noto.



On February 6th, H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, accompanied by the representative of the Diocese of Noto, was received by H.E. Monsignor Antonio Staglianò, bishop of Noto. The Princess illustrated other charitable projects which will be implemented by the Constantinian Order in Noto. Immediately after, they reached the canteen of S. Corrado where they delivered foodstuffs donated by the delegation to the community Little Brothers and Little Sisters of Jesus and Mary. The canteen of S. Corrado welcomes around thirty people in need every day for a hot lunch, prepared by the friars.

“A heart for Agata” is the charity event that Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies wanted to organize on February 4th in honour of Saint Agata. This year was the 1st edition and was held at the Massimo Vincenzo Bellini theater in Catania. The Princess delivered a defibrillator to the head of the theater.

On February 11th, the first distribution of products of the project Briciole di Salute took place in Monreale.



On January 27th, Dr. Gregory Dendramis delivered, through Archimandrite Papas Kola Ciulla, some products for children to the Caritas in Piana degli Albanesi.

On January 28th, the Consul General of the United States of America, Mary Avery, with a group of marines from NAS base Sigonella (CT), wore a white suit with the Constantinian logo and used brooms, sponges and brushes in order to refurbish the Church of Jesus and Mary in Acireale. The Consul General expressed her satisfaction for participating in the recovery of the church as well as her pride in seeing the weekly collaboration of the American army. The recovery work was also attended by Father Gregory Lesher, a Catholic naval chaplain. The Consul was greeted by the Bishop of Acireale H.E. Reverend Archbishop Antonino Raspanti. The representative of the Constantinian delegation, Mr. Antonino Amato gave the Consul General a publication and an emblem of the Constantinian Order.

On January 23rd, Mr. Cristoforo Arena and the volunteer Fero Infranca Salvatore delivered food to the Madonna della Tenda di Cristo structure.

On January 30th, the vice delegate and several knights of the province of Trapani delivered some products for children to the director of the parish Maria SS della Salute in Castelvetrano.

On January 30th, a mass was celebrated on the anniversary of the beatification of Maria Cristina, Queen of the Two Sicilies. The celebration took place at the church Maria SS. della Salute in Castelvetrano.

On February 1st, the vice delegate, the representative of Catania and other knights delivered several products to Sister Rosalba, who is in charge of the structure La Tenda della Madonna di Cristo.

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