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09-04-15 S. F. di Paola

San Francesco di Paola, 9 April 2015. The delegation of Sicily of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, as part of the project, “The Hunger of Our Neighbour”, is actively working with the Caritas of the parish of San Francesco di Paola to help those in need.

The Minim Friars of San Francesco di Paola distribute food produce on a weekly basis, looking particularly to members of the parish to try to collect food produce for those in need.




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via crucis (4)

Messina, 30 March 2015 – it was held at the Church of Santa Caterina Vergine and Martire in Messina, the Stations of the Cross, presided by Monsignor Mario Di Pietro, knight of Ecclesiastical Grace.

They have taken part to the event  professor Giovanni Bonanno, coordinator of the province of Messina, the knights  Franz Riccobono, Carmelo La Rosa, Francesco Stagno d’Alcontres and Giuseppe Matranga.

I t was also present the brotherhood of Maria SS Annunzita dei Catalani, the Confraternity of S. Basilio degli Azzurri and the Holy Society dei Verdi who in the Arab period had the task of defending the SS Sacramento.


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Memorial Day-interreligious conference

Memorial Day-interreligious conference

Enna convegno 045

Enna-27th January 2015. At 5.30 p.m. the awaited event “The scandal of the holocaust: face-off of monotheist religions” was held at the Government Palace.The event promoted by the Sicily Delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St.George, was sponsored by Enna Prefecture in cooperation with Kiwanis Club, Enna district.

The conference was started by professor Salvo La Porta, ex-mayor of Leonforte and teacher of history. Fernando Guida, the prefect of Enna province, Mons. Rosario Gisana, bishop of Piazza Armerina diocese,Rabbi professor Stefano di Mauro- Itzaak Ben Avraham- the chief Rabbi of the Jewish community in Sicily and President of the Sephardic centre in Sicily, Kheit Abdelhafid- Imam of the mosque in Catania, president of the Islamic community in Sicily and member of the national management committee U.CO.I.I, all came in.

Conference moderator was Antonio Di Janni – Sicily vicarious Delegate of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George.

Two witnesses were also present: lawyer Rosa Anna Tremoglie from Res Publica Academy and Emiliano Abramo, Sicily Delegate of Comunità di Sant’Egidio.

At the end of the conference the vicarious Delegate appointed H.E. Mons. Rosario Gisana Commander of Ecclesiastical Grace of the Constantinian Order, granted by H.R.H. Prince Carlo di Borbone of the Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Grand Master.

All the speakers were given a parchment of Sicily delegation as a memory of the event.

Speakers: Mons. Gisana dealt with the topic of the Christian forgiveness brilliantly. Being a doctor, the Rabbi spoke about the distressing fortunes of the Jews he had treated after World War II. Imam focused on the topic of peace and reciprocal respect saying some verses from the Koran.

All the speakers found the same common denominator in one of Einstein’s quotes:

“I know just one race, the human race.”

At the end of the conference a musical performance was given by the students from Liceo Musicale “Dante Alighieri” in Enna.

Civil and military authorities were present, about 300 people who praised the speakers and complimented also Enna constantinian coordinator Knight Matteo Bertino.

Antonio di Janni, conference moderator, also mentioned that, in addition to the religious or racial massacres, such as the Jews’ Holocaust, political massacres occurred such as the one of the people from South Italy who died to protect their homeland in 1860 and in the decade after the Italian Unity.

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plastico cittadella di Messina (3)

Messina – 14 / 15marzo 2015.  After the second World War the area Falcata, and in particular the perimeter of the Royal Citadel has become the repository of all possible shame, transformed by the city of Messina, in the first deposit of municipal solid waste and then, in the Seventies ,  the location for the incinerator, which skeletonthe  is still there to remember us the ineptitude of our administrative management.

Shamelessly distorting history, we continues to maintain in the most squalid  degradation a monument and an emblematic place of eternal values such as Honesty, Dignity, Loyalty and Honor, values that for centuries have heated the western culture.

On Sunday, March 15 it has been commemorated the 154th anniversary of the heroic resistance of the Citadel of Messina in collaboration with the association “Friends of the Museum.”

The purpose of the event that annually collects numerous scholars and history experts  is not nostalgic, but aims to  raise awareness and restore this magnificent structure in complete abandon. Built by a Dutch architect Carlos de Grunemberg, in 1685, the fortress has withstood sieges, earthquakes and two world wars.

In 1947 it began its decline until today.

The “sister” of the citadel is located in Holland, well preserved, and it’s a wonderful tourist attraction.

The program includes a first day dedicated to a historical comparison with the organization of a conference that was held this year at the church of S. Giovannni of the Knights of Malta, formerly chapel of the Royal Family Bourbon Two Sicilies. They were attended by the vicar Deputy of the Constantinian Order for Sicily  Dr. Antonio di Janni, prof. Giovanni Bonanno, coordinator of the province of Messina , prof.  Franz Riccobono, prof. Vincenzo Gulì and prof. Giovanni Maduli.

Before the conference it was placed at the feet of the statue of Ferdinand II a laurel wreath.

The following  day it was celebrated a Mass in memory of the Sicilian soldiers  who, faithful to their homeland, fought for the honor of the people of the Two Sicilies and of their king.

The Mass was celebrated by Monsignor Mario Di Pietro, Constantinian chaplain,  at the Church of S. Giuseppe. They were present the knights Antonio di Janni, Giovanni Bonanno, Franz Riccobono, Salvatore Italiano, Giuseppe Matranga, Santi Legrottaglie Letterio Donato, Letterio Sciliberto and Giuseppe Amato.

After the Mass it was organized a visit to the Citadel led by prof. Franz Riccobono and it was laid a wreath on the bastions S. Diego.




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Piazza Armerina: Project “NEW CRUMBS OF HEALTH”

Piazza Armerina: Project “NEW CRUMBS OF HEALTH”


Piazza Armerina – Monday February 2 at the church of St. Stephen, has taken place the monthly distribution of products for the early childhood according to the project “New Crumbs of Health.” The families, about thirty, chosen by the parish priest Don Nino Rivoli, constantinian chaplain, received nappies, baby food, cookies and milk for their children between 0 and 3 years.

All the products have been received through the generosity of volunteers, of constantinian knights and ladies and have been given by the coordinator of Enna, Knight Mattheo Bertino, the priest and the voluntaries who actively collaborate with the Constantinian Order.



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