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H.E. Don Augusto Ruffo di Calabria of the Princes of Scilla visiting Bagnara

H.E. Don Augusto Ruffo di Calabria of the Princes of Scilla visiting Bagnara

Bagnara, 4 June 2015. H.E. the Grand Prefect will visit the territory where the Ruffo family has left many traces after centuries of government.

The host will be the Lions Club “Torre Ruggero”.

Ruffo family is one of the most important noble families who ruled the region from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age.

Political, economic, social and religious interests of the Ruffo  family did not affect only Calabria but were intertwined with those of the Kingdom of Naples and of the Holy See in a political, social, economic and religious  contest rather complicated.

During the visit  there will be  Regional Authorities, Dignitaries and the Knights of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George welcomed by the Delegate for Calabria Gianpietro Sanseverino of the Barons of Marcellinara.

The visit will start from the Church of Maria SS. Annunziata in Pellegrina during which, on behalf of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George H.E. the Grand Prefect will offer food to be distributed to needy families.

On that occasion, the Management of the Confraternity of Maria SS. Annunziata will confer the title of Honorary Brother to H.E Don Augusto Ruffo di Calabria.

In the afternoon, it will be held in Bagnara Calabra at the artistic and late Baroque church titled  to the Virgin Maria  SS. del Monte  Carmelo, the conference entitled: “The family Ruffo di Calabria and the Ducal Bagnara”; the conference is held under the patronage of our Holy Order.

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