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The Royal Deputation is the collegial, consultative organ of the Order, with which the Grand Master or the Grand Prefect may consult on questions or problems of particular importance. The Royal Deputation: gives advice and suggestions on the general organization of the civil and religious works in conformity with the Finality of the Order; proposes eventual modifications of the Statutes to the Grand Master” (Article II of the Statutes of the Constantinian Order). Article III of the same statutes then provides that: “For the transactions of urgent affairs, a Council of Presidency is constituted within the Royal Deputation, composed of the High Officers, the President and the Secretary.” Finally, Article IV and Article V regulate the functions of the President of the Royal Deputation: “The functions of the President of the Royal Deputation, by the express will of the Grand Master, are: To convene the meetings and to preside over the proceedings; To see to the execution of the decisions made ” and “In the event of the absence or impediment of the President, the senior Vice President shall assume his responsibilities. ”

Royal Deputation

Grand Prefect

  • H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two SiciliesHer Royal Highness Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, sister of the Grand Master, has been a Dame Grand Cross of Justice since December 1978 by motu proprio of her august parent H.R.H. Prince Ferdinando, of revered memory. As part of the renewal of the Government of the Dynastic Orders, H.R.H. the Grand Master appointed her as Grand Chancellor on 13th June 2014 by Motu Proprio, and then on 14th May as Grand Prefect.
    “The Grand Prefect is the highest authority of the Order after the Grand Master and mormaly represents the latter in the event of absence.” (Article I of Chapter VII of the Order’s Statutes).
    For the first time in the history of the Constantinian Order and of the Dynastic Orders of the House of Bourbon Two Sicilies, a woman takes up a governmental office within the Grand Magistry: a sign of renewal and forward-looking intuition of H.R.H. the Grand Master both in terms of a greater involvement of the members of the Royal Family and in terms of a fitting adjustment to the customs of modern times which rightly recognize the important role of women in society.
    Speaking as Grand Chancellor at the first Collegial Meeting (Rome, 12-14 September 2014), H.R.H. Princess Beatrice in fact stated: “As a woman this nomination gives me the opportunity to pay tribute to all the women of our Family who have always shown great courage and who, discreetly, have been at the origin of many important decisions and initiatives”. The prerogatives of the Grand Chancellor also include the coordination of the Delegates who preside over the Delegations of Knights and Dames in Italy and in the rest of the world, and for this reason H.R.H. Princess Beatrice, in the same speech, reiterated as follows: “Concerning the admission of new members to the Order, there is need for the Delegates to assume greater responsibility: you
    must only introduce people with whom you are
    personally well acquainted and with whom you
    socialize, involving the candidates in the life and activities of the Delegation for a reasonable length of time before they can aspire to be introduced as potential members of the Order. You must in advance understand the reasons which spur the candidate to wish to approach the Order and make sure that they are compatible with the finalities set down in our Statutes. Together with the other High Dignitaries it has been decided that the Knights
    must necessarily be resident in the Delegation into which they are introduced. To be a Delegate of the Order is certainly an honour, but it is equally a duty which requires not only an attachment to the Sacred Constantinian Military Order, which you certainly do not lack, but also commitment and often sacrifice. Therefore please evaluate through a fair and honest analysis your willingness to fulfil not only your duties as Knights but also that of wanting and being able to assume your own duties as a Delegate”. H.R.H. Princess Beatrice who, together with H.R.H. the Duchess of Castro, is the inspiration behind the humanitarian and welfare assistance of the Constantinian Order, is the mother of His Imperial Highness the Prince Napoleon,Head of the Imperial House of France and Vice
    President of the Royal Deputation.

Grand Prior

  • His Eminence the Most Reverend Cardinal Marcello Semeraro

His Eminence the Most Reverend Cardinal Marcello Semeraro enters the Order on 1 November 2022 and has become Grand Prior on April 23 2023. Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Albano, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, was born in Monteroni di Lecce on 22 December 1947 and was ordained a priest on 8 September 1971.
He received his initial formation in the Pontifical Regional Seminary “Pius XI” of Apulia and subsequently completed his theological studies in the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, where he was awarded a licentiate and a doctorate in sacred theology. He then began his ministry teaching dogmatic theology in the Theological Institute of Apulia and ecclesiology in the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University.
He was appointed to the episcopal see of Oria on 25 July 1998. He was transferred to the suburbicarian Church of Albano on 1 October 2004. On 15 October 2020, he was appointed by Pope Francis as Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. He is currently also the Apostolic Administrator ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of the exarchial monastery of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata and Pontifical Delegate of the Basilian Order in Italy.
Over the years he has served as special secretary of the X General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on The Bishop, Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World. He participated as a Papal appointee in the XIV Ordinary General Assembly on The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World; in the XV General Assembly on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment, and in the Special Assembly for the Pan-Amazon region in 2019.
He is President of the Regional Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, Proclamation and Catechesis of the Episcopal Conference of Lazio; a member of the CEI Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, Proclamation and Catechesis; and President of the Board of Directors of “Avvenire – Nuova Editrice SpA”. He is a member of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, the Dicastery for Communication and a consultor to the Congregation for the Oriental Churches.
On 13 April 2020 he was appointed secretary of the “Council of Cardinals” to aid the Holy Father in the governance of the Universal Church and to draw up a plan for the revision of the Apostolic Constitution “Pastor Bonus” on the Roman Curia. He has published a number of books, articles and dictionary entries on the theme of ecclesiology.
On 15 October 2020 Pope Francis appointed him Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
Created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope Francis in the consistory of 28 November 2020, of the Deaconry of Santa Maria in Domnica.
Member of Dicasteries for the Oriental Churches; for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; for Communication.

Grand Prior Emeritus

  • His Eminence Cardinal Renato Raffaele MartinoHis Eminence, Renato Raffaele Cardinal Martino joined the Constantinian Order on 8th February 1996 as an Ecclesiastical Knight Grand Cross of Grace at the time when he was Titular Archbishop of Segerme and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations in New York. The Holy Father John Paul II, who held him in high esteem and considered him a very trustworthy supporter, called him back to Rome in 2002 and entrusted him with the presidency of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the final drafting of the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Made Cardinal in the Concistory of 21st October 2003, he was promoted by H.R.H the Grand Master, with motu proprio, on 23rd April 2004, to the rank of Bailiff Knight Grand Cross of Justice. On the 25th October 2005 he presented to the Holy Father, who authorized its publication, the completed version of the Compendium of the Church’s Social Doctrine, a pivotal work that sums up the overall principles, teachings and guidelines of the Catholic Church aimed at resolving, in compliance with the spirit of the Gospel, social, political and economic problems. On the 11th March 2006, Pope Benedict XVI called him to preside over the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. On the 21st April 2009 he was appointed by Benedict XVI president of the Episcopal Commission for the Almo Collegio Capranica where he had been a student from 1951 to 1962. On the 24th October 2009 Pope Benedict XVI received his retirement from the Curia for having reached the age limit. On the 29th June 2010, H.R.H. the Grand Master, following the assent of the Vatican State Secretariat, appointed him Grand Prior of the Dynastic Orders, succeeding His Eminence Cardinal Albert Vanhoye S.J., appointed in his turn ecclesiastical counsellor of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies.
    “The Grand Prior exercises spiritutal guidance over
    the Order,having direct supervision of the Ecclesiastical Knights. The Grand Prior may be assisted by a Vice Grand Prior appointed by the
    Grand Master.” (Article V of Chapter VII of the Constantinian Order’s Statutes). On the 14th September 2011, H.R.H. the Grand Master, with motu proprio, decorated him with the Constantinian Collar and on 9th September of the same year he was conferred the Knighthood of the Distinguished Royal Order of San Gennaro. His Holiness Pope Francis appointed him Proto-Deacon of the Holy Roman Church on 12th June 2014. H.R.H. the Grand Master appointed him Grand Prior Emeritus on 23 April 2023.

    The Grand Prior is supported by the Office of the Grand Prior.
    For further information, please click HERE.

Grand Chancellor

  • H.E. Prince Don Francesco Ruspoli, Prince of Cerveteri

    He is Knight Grand Cross of Justice, and has been appointed as Grand Chancellor of the Order on 14th May 2016, the Solemnity of the Eve of Pentecost.
    “The Grand Chancellor maintains custody of the protocols and Decrees of the Order together with the Knights nominations, Archives, publications, rules and bulletins.
    He addresses correspondence, countersigns the decrees of nomination, organizes all the ceremonies of the Order and maintains custody of the Labarum of the Order. In the absence of the Grand Master or the Grand Prefect he represents the Order.” (Article III of Chapter VII of the Constantinian Order’s Statutes).
    He works as a manager for the first investment bank in Italy, having worked for a long period in London and Paris .

Grand Treasurer

  • H.E. Don Gian Carlo dei Principi Rocco di TorrepadulaDon Giancarlo dei Principi Rocco di Torrepadula was born in Rome by Don Alfonso and Donna Eloisa Perrella.
    He entered in the Order in March 2014 as Commander of Justice.
    He married in 1970 with Lady Isabella of the Counts of Thiene, daughter of Giangiacomo Count of Thiene and Countess Maria Teresa of Valmarana Conti, with whom he has three children.
    A law graduate, has played all his professional experiences in the Pirelli Group , in the areas of economic studies, communication, advertising, marketing.
    On the 23rd May 2016, he was called by H.R.H the Grand Master to take up the position of Grand Treasurer. “The Grand Treasurer is charged with the duty of managing the funds of the Order. He executes the negotiable instruments that are transmitted, collects the accounts made payable to the Order and issues the relative receipts. He annually presents the final balance of the accounts for the most recent fiscal year, and an estimated balance and budget for the successive fiscal year to the Grand Master. All financial provisions must be approved in advance by the Grand Treasurer.” (Article III of Chapter VII of the Statutes of the Constantinian Order).

President of the Royal Deputation

  • H.R.H. Prince Casimiro of Bourbon Two Sicilies

Vice President of the Royal Deputation

  • H.I.H. Prince Napoleon


  • H.R.H. Princess Anna of Bourbon Two Sicilies
  • H.R.H. Prince Francesco of Bourbon Two Sicilies
  • H.R.H. Prince Gennaro of Bourbon Two Sicilies
  • H.R.H. Prince Luigi Alfonso of Bourbon Two Sicilies
  • H.R.H. Prince Alessandro Enrico of Bourbon Two Sicilies
  • H.R.H. Prince Laurent of Belgium
  • H.I.R.H. ArchDuke Martino d’Asburgo d’Este
  • H.S.H. Prince and Duke Pierre d’Arenberg
  • H.S.H. Prince Charles Henri de Lobkowicz
  • H.E. Don Francesco dei Principi Sanseverino dei Baroni di Marcellinara
  • Count Raffaele Leonetti di Santo Janni
  • Prince Piero Colonna di Paliano
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