Ordine Costantiniano Charity Onlus - Sito Ufficiale del Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio - Official Site of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George | Site Officiel de l’Ordre Sacré et Militaire Constantinien de Saint-Georges | Sitio official de la Sagrada Orden Militar Constantiniana de San Jorge | Die offizielle Webseite des heiligen konstantinischen Ritterordens vom Heiligen Georg
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Ordine Costantiniano Charity Onlus

Our current economic context is influencing and slowing down lots of countries’ social and economic development, and Italy is unfortunately included in them. It also emphasized all discomforts of our society, making people, families and individuals’ ecomomic issues bigger and bigger.
For this reason, States have growing difficulties in finding financial resources in order to react against these emergencies. So the merciful intervention of those who contribute to finance the volunteers’ work is causing a transition from the Welfare State to the so called Welfare Society.
The Italian legislator, taking note of this changing process in 2017, approved the non- profit organisations’ reform through the adoption of tertiary sector’s Single Text (D.Lgs. July, 3rd n.117 2017). This text implements many news which celebrate and reward the virtuous Organisations and their investors.
This reform will enter into force in 2019. New rules have already taken effect this year with the introduction of new financial facilitations for donors.
A 30% tax deduction is expected for all payments made by individuals, for an annual amount up to Euro 30.000,00.
This facilitation cannot be combined with other facilitations and depends on the payment procedures. Payments must be undertaken at the bank or the post office in order to ensure their tracking. The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George keeps its unchanging values but is always ready to adapt to modern times, strengthening the Order’s and Knights’ actions.
So, in order to adapt the Order’s charitable activities to the new regulatory requirements, a new body has been introduced and is called Ordine Costantiniano Charity Onlus.
This new body, organized according to the common international standards, will act as an operative branch of our Constantinian Order. It will be guided by HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, who is supported by some professionals and under the Grand Master’s supervision.
In order to support the Order’s charitable initiatives for the ongoing year, each Knight can proceed with his/her payment (annual contribution)  by bank transfer to the following bank account:


Tax code and registration number of Lazio Onlus Civil Registry: 97936950589
Legal venue: via Giosuè Carducci n.4 – 00187 Roma
Web: https://constantinianorder.charity/en

Bank details:


IBAN: IT61A0306903315100000005624


At the end of the year each Knight will receive a receipt so that he/she can benefit from tax deductions as indicated above.
You can contact directly the Administration Department and the Chancellery in case of further technical requests.

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