Persano, 16 July 2015. The Delegate for Campania, Pierluigi Sanfelice, at the request of the military chaplain Don Claudio Mancusi and at the invitation of the Commanders of the Military Bodies of Persano, Colonel Augusto Gravante, Commander of the 4th Tank Regiment, Colonel Carmine Ferrante, Commander of the Logistic Regiment Garibaldi, Colonel Fausto Ciriaco Troisi, Commander of the District of Persano and Colonel Lucio di Blasio, Commander of the 8th earth Artillery Regiment , has gone to visit the Royal site of Persano. This historic site is also linked to the zootechnics tradition of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, as well Carditello, in fact in Persano there was a remarkable development of horse breeding that were then sold on the domestic and international markets; it was also a place of hunting particularly loved by the sovereigns of the Bourbon Family. The reason of this meeting is also linked to the charitable activities that the Constantinian Order, in agreement with the military command, has in mind to achieve in the near future in Italy and abroad.