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6 agosto 2015 a Pascarola

Capua, 6 August 2015. At the Church of Santa  Caterine in Capua, the Delegate Marquis Pierluigi Sanfleice di Bagnoli offered to  the Reverend Don Giovanni Branco a quite big  amount of clothing to distribute to the needy people of the parish;  in particular, about 900 T-shirts and shorts for  child, woman and man; 130 pairs of  gym shoes of various colours; 260 t-shirts of various sizes and colours; 150 pairs of jeans for men. Among the participants there were  Don Lucio D’Abbraccio and Petraroia Alfredo, who oversaw the transport of manufactured goods from Cercemaggiore  to  Capua. There  were also the representatives of the local Caritas. Lataer in Caivano in the village of  Pascarola, the Delegate of Campania met the Reverend Don Salvatore Varavallo, parish priest of the Church of San Giorgio Martire, in representation of the  Caritas, and he offered him about 400 T-shirts and shorts; 130 t-shirts for women, 60 pairs of gym shoes of different sizes; 60 pairs of men’s jeans; 50 leather tballs to play football. Finally he met, in Naples, in the Church of Saint Lucia a Mare, Father Joseph Carmelo, who received 400 of shirts and shorts; 60 pairs of shoes in various colors; 130 t-shirts and 60 pairs of men’s jeans.


6 agosto 2015 a Capua 6 agosto 2015 a Napoli, chiesa di S.Lucia a mare 6 agosto 2015 a Pascarola

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