Monreale, 27 October 2015. A launch party for the book “Histories and Memoirs of the Archbishops of Monreale” written by Antonio di Janni, Vincenzo Nuccio and Don Giovanni Vitale and edited by CE.ST.E.SS., was held in the stunning halls of the Palazzo Arcivescovile in Monreale on 27 October 2015. This publication is concerned to provide a historical and biographical account of the high prelates who have performed duties of pastoral care in the Episcopal See of the Norman dioceses over the years. The book was introduced by Professor Manlio Corselli in the presence of the highest-ranking Dignitaries of the Constantinian Order; His Eminence Renato Raffaele Cardinal Martino; the Archbishop of Monreale, Michele Pennisi and the Eparch of Piana degli Albanesi, Giorgio Demetrio Gallaro. The event attracted great audience participation with several attendees showing a keen interest in the new publication. Also present on the day were numerous Constantinian Knights as well as many state and military officials.