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During the month of May the most representative project of the Sicily Delegation added the city of Agrigento to the already long list of dioceses they assist.

On May 22, the Vice Delegate, Dott. Antonio Janni, and Cav. Dott. Alfonso Lo Zito brought products for infants to the Caritas of the Archdiocese of Agrigento. As agreed with the Diocese Cav. Lo Zito will provide items for the children of the area on a monthly basis.

On the following day Dott. di Janni brought to the volunteers of the soup kitchen of San Mamiliano  their weekly supply of fish (over 50 kilos) for the users of the facility.

Wednesday, May 31, the second monthly distribution of “Crumbs of Health” was held in Monreale, thanks to the involvement of Cav. Salvatore Vassallo and volunteers Antonella Giotti, Rosalia Ciolino and Daniela Prestigiacomo, who distributed products for children to approximately 25 families.

Nella foto, da dx, la Dama di Grazia Contessa Marina Scardi Coppola de Almanza, il Cav. di Grazia Pierluigi Russo, il vice presidente della fondazione Giovanni Rossi, il Sig. Luciano Mazzola, la Direttrice della Fondazione Laura Corbellini, il Direttore Sanitario Lorenzo Zanini, il Segretario della Rappresentanza di Brescia Cav. Sei Merito Maurizio Mirandola, erano presenti, inoltre il decorato Stefano Villotta e il Sig. Nicola Salvi. 

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