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On July 28, the Calabria Delegation together with the foundation “Il Giglio” and the Cultural Association “Two Sicilies”, under the patronage of the Municipality of Gioiosa Ionica, organized a conference with the theme “The History of the South, the enterprises of the South”. The cultural assembly took place in the wonderful rooms of the Amaduri Palace of Gioiosa Ionica and, in addition to the institutional greetings of the Mayor Dr. Luca Ritorto and the city councillor with responsibility for culture Dr Lidia Ritorto, began with the intervention of Dr Marina Carrese. The latter, as president of the foundation “Il Giglio”, explained how the foundation, born in 1993 by the interest of a group of scholars and history enthusiasts, has the purpose of defending and enhancing the memory of the Two Sicilies and, more generally, the South. Then it was the turn of Prof. Maria Carmela Spadaro who, in the dual capacity of lecturer in History of Medieval and Modern Law at the Federico II University of Naples and president of the Cultural Association Two Sicilies, recalled some important historical events in the south, linked to the events at the end of the Bourbon monarchy. In particular, she outlined the figure of Francis II, the last King of the Two Sicilies. As a corollary of the cultural event, Dr. Maurizio Dente presented the “comprasud” project, which aims to sensitize the Southerners to choose the products of their land, their banks and their businesses as a means to grow the Southern economy. The meeting was also attended by some members of the Observatory Two Sicilies of Lamezia Terme.

On Friday, July 28, the Calabria Delegation donated food and basic necessities to the Caritas of Gioiosa Ionica. This donation was intended to demonstrate how the Order’s works will remain operational even in this period in which the consequences of loneliness and poverty are accentuated. The choice of the Caritas of Gioiosa Ionica took place because the volunteers, since its foundation, have spent their commitment and energy for the most needy people of the Ionian side of the province of Reggio Calabria, following the motto “giving is loving”. Over time, they have made numerous collections of food, necessities and clothing along with other charities. The donation also honoured the month traditionally dedicated to the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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