During the Christmas holidays and even in the previous weeks of this Holy period, a big number of activities were carried out by the Sicilian delegation as part of “Briciole di salute” project. In particular, these considerable donations were carried out at Magione, in Monreale, in Acireale, Enna, Patti, Mazara del Vallo, S. Martino delle Scale.
We deeply thank Vice Delegate for Sicily and all the Knights, Dames, pustulants and well-deserving who have enabled to relieve the grief of more disavantaged with their efforts, even through a small gesture.
A religious service was held, presided by Father Sebastiano Rusignolo, at Saint Bartolomeo’s church in Enna, followed by a donation of toys, school material, clothing and food for children from 0 to 3 years old. All the supplies donated will be distributed to families in need.
On December 8th a representation of Knights took part in the Eucharistic celebration on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Parish Mario Di Pietro presided the Celebration.
Vice Delegate, who is also a doctor, organized some meetings at school held by medical dietician Maria Montalto, with the purpose to teach students which elements are inside packaged food. At the end of the meetings, Vice Delegate delivered greetings certificates to the teachers and doctor Montalto for their cooperation in the success of the nutrition educational project.
On December 8th a representation of Knights, lead by Chancellor of Delegation, went to Monreale’s Cathedral Basilica to see the pontificial mass headed by His Excellency the Most Reverent Mons. Gualtiero Isacchi, Monreale’s Archbishop, and concelebrated from Cathedral Basilica’ s Archpriest Father Nicola Gaglio.
Castelvetrano, December 5th 2024- the representance of Trapani took part and has actively cooperated to planting project organized by Gaspare Mirrione S.P.A. (joint stock company), leader agency in the bioconstruction sector. The event took place in the beautiful framework of Trinity State Property of Castelvetrano, and more than 400 autochthonous trees and nectariferous plants were planted. A concrete example of biodiversity safeguarding and environmental education for new generations. 400 students of Castelvetrano school took part in the event, numerous local autorithies, professors and school principals. Supported even by Department of Rural and Territorial Development of the Sicilian Region and by Rotary district 2110 with the project “SOS API plus 2.0”, the project will continue in the next months with additional educational activities and the creation of a digital platform to raise awarness on the importance of sustainability in the local communities.
The first sunday of Advent 2024 was really special for the parish community of Costantinian Basilica of magione- Parish of SS. Trinità and for the Sicilian delegation, who had the honour to share with the Constantinian parish priest chaplain Mons. Salvatore Grimaldi, with the confraternity of SS. Crocifisso, the choir, the social operators and parish groups, the return home of the polychrome wooden sculpture of the Immaculate Conception, after one year of restauration masterfully executed by Doctor Alessandra Picilli of Novarco Restauri by Simona Panvini.
Here some Knights of Messina, Mazara del Vallo and of S. Martino delle Scale commemorated the deceased Knights and the Dames with three different celebrations. In the Holy Mass of suffrage the late Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, Grand Prior Emeritus, has been remembered.
On Sunday 29 September, Father Giuseppe Di Giovanni, parish of church della Pietà, celebrated a liturgy for the Glorification of Holy Cross and for the 400th anniversary from the founding of S. Rosalias’s bones. The liturgy was celebrated at S. Teresa church at the neighborhood Kalsa.