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Naples and Campania: Holy Mass in Capua

Naples and Campania: Holy Mass in Capua

CAPUA – The Battle of Volturno, held the 1st  and the 2nd  of October 1860 near Volturno river,  which crosses Capua, can be considered as the last field battle of Renaissance before the proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy. Contrary to what is believed, it was not an armed conflict between Garibaldian and the Bourbon troops, since regular units of the Sardinian Army of His Majesty King Vittorio Emanuele II participated in it. Not less than 24,000 men between Garibaldian and regular Sardinians were involved in the battle, against around 25,000 Bourbons.

Saturday the 19th  of October, a representation of Knights and Dames of the Delegation of Naples and Campania participated in the annual Mass for the soldiers of the Bourbon army, died in the war of the 1st and the 2nd of  October 1860. The liturgy took place in the cathedral of Maria SS. Assunta in Cielo in Capua. The Holy Mass, organized by the Delegation itself, was officiated by the Knight Commander of Ecclesiastical Grace Monsignor Luigi Castiello with the songs of the choir “Lorenzo Perosi” by Pastorano. In addition to Knights, the participants of the 1st “King” line regiment, in historical uniform, were also present in the liturgy.

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