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The Molise Delegation, represented by about twelve new Knights and Dames and coordinanted by the Secretary Commander Giuseppe D’Amico and by the Vice-Delgate Knight Giulio de Jorio Frisari with the Master of ceremonies Knight Francesco Lupo, partecipated in the solemn Holy Friday procession in Campobasso. Before leaving the church of Santa Maria della Croce, planned for 6pm on Friday 29 March, the Commander D’Amico, under the instructions of the Delgate, met Knight Laureti of the Ordine del Santo Sepolcro in a friendly greeting, renovating the feelings of christian esteeme that bind the two Orders of chivalry.
The solemn procession, presided over by Monsignor Biagio Colaianni, the new Bishop of the Campobasso-Boiano diocese, took place through the streets of the city center at the sound of the traditional choir “Teco Vorrei”.

On the occasion of the Ester Precept and the anniversary of the apparitions at the shrine of Addolorata in Castelpetroso, on Saturday, 23 March the solemn ceremony for the investiture of the new Knights took place in the evocative location of the church of San Nicola di Bari in Macchia d’Isernia, at the presence of the Delegate Don Ettore d’Alessandro, Duke of Pescolanciano and his wife, Dame of Justice Donna Brunella Murolo. The religious ceremony was officiated by the parish priest Father Enzo Falasca, who brought to the attendees the fraternal greetings of Father Giuseppe Graziano, chaplain of the Delegation, who was not able to attend, and of H.E.R. Monsignor Giancarlo Maria Bregantini, Archbishop emeritus of Campobasso-Boiano. With the rite of the blessing of the mantle and the oath on the ancient formula of nomination, the Knights invested were:  Bitonti Cesare; D’Aloisio Roberto; D’Andrea Eraldo; Dellegrazie Luigi; De Jorio Frisari Giulio; Di Giuseppe Gabriele; Di Maio Michele; Di Nonno Giuseppe; Di Nunno Dario; Di Paola Cristian; Laureti Marco; Lepore Luca; Palladino Mario; Pica Angelo; Pica Antonio; Sparacino Renato; Tarantino Tonino; as well as: D’Andrea Eraldo; Girella Andrea; Sgamma Matteo; Friolo Pierangelo; De Blasio Giovanni; Diana Alfonso; Cocorocchio Gianluigi. During the ceremony the “Croce pro Ecclesia et Pontefice“, given by the Vatican through Archbishop Bregantini, was delivered to the Delegate d’Alessandro by the Secretary Commander D’Amico. At the end of the ceremony, the Delegation was welcomed at the nearby castle by the Vice-Delegate Giulio De Jorio Frisari for a toast at the presence of some regional television channels, which recorded the news. A breakfast at the local restaurant “Elicriso” followed. Finally, the day ended with a short presentation of the last book by the duosiciliano scholar, Giovanni Pede, called “Dal Macerone a Gaeta” on the Bourbonic military history of the last phase of the Kingdom, with some details on the Molise territory.

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