On Sunday, July 14th the delegation of Abruzzo met in Venafro to celebrate the beginning of summer. This year, the meeting was of great union and fraternity. In fact, the presence of the delegate of Abruzzo and Molise of the Sovereign and Military Order of Malta, Mr. Gaetano Blasetti, of the delegate of the Molise of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem Giuseppe Reale, as well as the delegates of Liguria Giovanni Chersola and Umbria Claudio Marciano de Scala enriched the the meeting. Lots of knights and dames as well as military and civil authorities from the region attended.
The Mass was celebrated by the Vicar General of the Diocese of Isernia-Venafro, Msgr. Rocco Iannacone.
At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, the delegate made a brief speech about the Order and its activities. A concert followed. At the end of the religious ceremony, people gathered with their families at the Albergo Ristorante Dora for a lunch .