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The Delegation of Basilicata, led by the Regional Delegate Knight Dr. Massimo Calenda, continues its action of closeness and assistance to the poor and needy present in the territory of Basilicata. In fact, thanks to the generosity and collaboration of the managers of the Pisticci site of the French chemical company Gnosis by Lesaffre, it was possible to receive as a gift 150 liters of detergent with sanitizing action, produced according to the indications of the World Health Organization, which have been widely distributed among various bodies that deal at the forefront of personal assistance. At the time of the donation, Thursday July 29, at the pisticcese plant, Rocco Sileo, Manager of Gnosis by Lesaffre, who offered the material to the Knight Giovanni Quaranta and to Constantinian meritorious Michele Di Maro, intervened on behalf of the Constantinian Regional Delegate of Basilicata. Subsequently, thanks to the logistical support of the company La Carpia Domenico srl, which has offered to take care of transport and delivery, the jerrycans of the sanitizer have reached the identified recipients, including the headquarters of Caritas of the Archdiocese of Matera – Irsina, the Parish of San Rocco in Matera and the Reception Houses “Don Tonino Bello” and “Maria Santissima della Bruna”, with its canteen for the poor renamed “Restaurant San Rocco”, that distributes hundreds of meals daily to those who are forced to live in absolute poverty, the parish of Saint Vincenzo de’Paoli in borgo la Martella, the Parish Beata Vergine del Carmine in Cancellara (PZ) and other consignees at the respective locations of Val d’Agri and Vulture – Melfese. At the end of September a further donation of detergent that will be made available again by the plant Gnosis by Lesaffre is scheduled, continuing and strengthening what has already been done.

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