Matera (MT) – The activity of our Order continues in Basilicata. An event was organized in June in Pisticci; on that occasion, food products were donated to needy families at the parish of Sant’Antonio. On July 18th, a day full of faith and solidarity took place. During this important day, a donation of food products was carried out in favour of the diocesan Caritas, where a meeting took place between the Knights and the Caritas operators, including the director Annamaria Cammisa Natale. Afterwards the Holy Liturgy was held, presided over by H.E.R. Monsignor Antonio Giuseppe Caiazzo, Archbishop of the Diocese of Matera – Irsina, at the Church of Santa Chiara whose rector is Father Luciano Micheli. It was a truly intense event where many Knights from all over the region attended and which was organized by Mr. Alcibiades Jula.