On wednesday August 4, 2021, on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the foundation of the monastic complex of San Domenico (1521-2021), the Delegation of Calabria participated in the event, at the invitation of the Administration of the Municipality of Amendolara, historical and hospitable village in the Upper Jonio Cosentino. The event took place in the square in front of the Church of the Dominican Convent, in which, at 18.30, the celebration of Holy Mass was officiated by H.E. Mons. Francesco Savino, Bishop of the Diocese of Cassano allo Ionio. The mission of the event had the primary purpose of promoting the monastic structure but also the dissemination, through the homily of the Bishop, of the Gospel Word contained in the Episcopal Message addressed to the entire parish community of Amendolara, in addition to the historical-cultural and artistic-architectural promotion of the peculiarities of identity related to the site demico amendolarese. The presence of the Order, represented by seven Knights and a Dame of the Calabrian delegation, wanted to symbolize the witness and the affirmation of the Values of Christianity of the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church in a symbiotic moment with the native population. The event began at 17.00 with the stamp and dedicated postcard, edited by Poste Italiane, while after the liturgical service began the historical and cultural moment, in which the book “Complesso Monastico di San Domenico” was presented by Antonio Gerundino; the debate was attended by Esq. Antonello Ciminelli, Mayor of Amendolara, Dr. Giacinto Grisolia, owner of the Monastic Complex and Dr. Aurelio Badolati, as Vice Delegate of our Calabria Delegation. At the end of the talks, the personalities who gave rise to the historical and cultural debate were given a commemorative plaque by the City Council and later, the bystanders were invited to participate in the convivial moment offered by Dr. Grisolia, as host, during which delicacies of local food and wine excellence were offered .

On August 16th, the Calabria Delegation made a donation of basic necessities, in Delianuova, to the Church of Maria SS Assunta of the Diocese of Oppido-Palmi. The Parish is run by Father Emanuele Leuzzi who also presides over the family home “Famiglia Germanò”. The family home was created more than 20 years ago to help the weak and the underprivileged. In particular, the structure hosts people suffering from AIDS, from prisons all over Italy.

At the foot of the Sila, the small town of Cotronei boasts a charming church, dedicated to San Nicola Vescovo, characterized by a stone facade. Here the parish priest, Fr Franceso Spadola, a young priest also involved in the cultural field, welcomed a representation of our Sacred Militia, last August 23. As in the past year, beautiful and important were the words of goodwill for the Constantinian Order of San Giorgio, spent by the parish priest of Cotronei during the liturgical service celebrated before the Grand Officer Aurelio Badolati, Vice Delegate for Calabria, and the Knights of Grace Nicholas and Antonio Oliverio, the latter representative in the city of Crotone. As always, the religious service was accompanied by a donation of fresh and long-term food and supplies of comfort, aimed at the most needy of the entire territory. The Order’s representation also welcomed with joy the invitation of Father Francesco Spadola to return to Cotronei in the autumn to hold a formation meeting with the young people of the country to introduce them to Christian values and principles.

He is not only the patron saint of Calabria, but also the copatron of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, together with the Immaculate Virgin. Saint Francis of Paola is certainly the beacon of faith for the people of Calabria and, as is well known, his anniversary is celebrated on April 2nd, but also at other times of the year his cult lives on.
This is the case of Trepidò, a fraction of the municipality of Cotronei. It is a mountain resort on the border between the Sila Grande and the Sila Piccola, which welcomes during the summer many visitors from the Mezzogiorno and beyond. Also this year the vow of entrustment of the village to the protection of the Calabrian Saint was renewed. So a group of Knights of the Order took part, once again, in the solemn Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Father Domenico Garofolo of the Congregation of the Ardorini Missionaries. In strict compliance with antiCovid rules, the chapel of Santa Maria delle Nevi of the parish of Sant’Antonio exhibited the statue of San Francesco da Paola during the Mass, much attended by the faithful of the entire village and neighboring municipalities. As usual, a large quantity of fresh and long-preserved food was donated by the Constantinian Knights. The Vice Delegate for Calabria, Grand Officer Aurelio Badolati – who, during the service, brought a greeting and a message of thanks on behalf of the Delegation – guided them together with the Knights Giuseppe Vena, Nicola Oliverio and Antonio Oliverio, representative of the Constantinian Order for the city of Crotone.
The activities of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George did not stop during the summer: throughout the month of August, parcels of fresh and long-life food were distributed to families in need in the different territories of the region, through parishes and charitable associations, always within one of the three pillars that support the mission of our Sacred Militia, that is, the one represented by the works of charity.