A small but concrete gesture of solidarity was represented by the donation of 70 single portions of hot meals to needy people in Reggio Calabria city centre. The donation was made in favour of the Candelora parish.

Last 26th January, the Delegation of Calabria donated food products to the association known as “il Samaritano” in Polistena (RC). This one is managed by “Santa Maria Vergine di Polistena” parish, run by Don Pino De Masi, who is also a representative of “Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie” of Don Luigi Ciotti, for the plain of Gioia Tauro. “Il Samaritano” association, founded in 1988, developed in a particular context of charitable interventions, including basic solidarity, sharing of goods, occasional availability for services and almsgiving.