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On October 1, the Delegation participated in the sacred rites in honour of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary. The invitation was sent by Father Angelo Ruggiero. All the other religious brotherhoods of Bagnara Calabra were present at the solemn celebration. The ceremony was officiated by Father Francesco Bramuglia. During the homily, Father Bramuglia congratulated for the generous donation carried out by the delegation.

On October 14, an interesting conference took place at the Parish Hall of the Santa Maria della Candelora Church in Reggio Calabria on the theme “In preparation for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land”.
The conference was organized by the Delegation. The Vice Delegate Dr. Aurelio Badolati, the Vice Prior Monsignor Luigi Cannizzo, the Ecclesiastical Knight of Grace Monsignor Luigi Falcone and Dr. Vittorio Fioravanti took the floor as speakers.

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