Saturday October 7 in Vibo Valentia, in the Church of the Rosary and Saint John the Baptist, on the occasion of the celebrations of Mary Most Holy of the Rosary, the Knights of the Calabria Delegation participated in the Eucharistic celebration officiated by Monsignor Filippo Ramondino, Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace and chaplain of the Order of the vibonese capital.
During the Holy Mass Giuseppina Tino, consort of the Meritorious Salvatore Barbieri, was remembered and was given reading of the prayer of the Constantinian Knight by Knight Of. Roberto Bendini.
This appointment has now been consolidated among the initiatives of the Constantinian Order of Calabria.

On Friday October 13, the Calabria Delegation honored the anniversary of the Marian apparition of Fatima, called “miracle of the sun”, by donating 60 hot meals to the Diocesan Caritas of Candelora. The importance of the “miracle of the sun” was born on 30 October 1950, when it happened before Pope Pius XII, three days before the solemn proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption of Mary. The Pope interpreted the event as a sort of “approval” of the gesture he was about to make.
The donation will serve to comfort the most needy, who can not afford any meal, also bringing them closer to the “immaculate heart of Mary”. The donation is due to the efforts made by Knight Antonino Rosario Campolo.

TAURIANOVA (R.C.), On October 25, at the Caritas Parish “Maria S.S. delle Grazie”, a group of Knights of the Calabria Delegation donated various kinds of basic necessities for the needy families of that place. The parish priest Father Mino Ciano, renewing to the Confreres present his esteem for the unceasing commitment, expressed great admiration for this gesture of solidarity made by the Members of the Sacred Constantinian Militia who are constantly engaged in numerous charitable activities throughout the territory, testifying concretely with their actions the most authentic values and ideals of Chivalry.

On 28 October 2023, in Castrolibero, a town near Cosenza, was held an historical re-enactment in costume of the taking over of the fief of Castelfranco, by Pietro Antonio Sanseverino, prince of Bisignano, which took place in 1528. Over 100 participants took part in the procession that, along the streets of the village in evocative places, revived, reciting, the highlights of the arrival of the new feudal lord and his family, on site. On the return of the procession in front of the church of SS. Salvatore, the Knights and Dames participated in the “Te Deum”. The ceremony was held in the presence of the Mayors of the two municipalities: Orlandino Greco, for Castrolibero and Francesco Fucile for Bisignano. The event ended with the exhibition of the flag-wavers of the Palio of Bisignano, held on the churchyard.