Reggio Calabria, December 28th, 2019– Knights and Dames of the delegation coming from all the Calabrian provinces gathered at the Church Santa Maria della Candelora in Reggio Calabria to participate in the Eucharistic celebration presided by H.E.R. Mgr Luigi Vittorio Mondello, Prior of the Delegation and Archbishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Reggio Calabria – Bova, and concelebrated by Monsignor Luigi Cannizzo, Vice Prior and by Monsignor Antonio Morabito. A celebration which recalled the spirit of Christmas and the values of Christianity. The important liturgy ended with the reading of the Constantinian Knight’s prayer by Mr. Aurelio Badolati, Vice Delegate. Subsequently, the confreres and their families gathered in a Christmas feast during which some of the most important moments of the year were recounted.

Reggio Calabria, December 22nd – The delegation offered and served the “fraternity lunch”. After the Eucharistic celebration which took place at the Church Santa Maria Della Candelora, a lunch was served to the poorest and needy families of the region. The Dames, Knights and volunteers participated with great generosity by preparing and offering approximately 180 meals. Vice Delegate Aurelio Badolati was very touched, given the enthusiasm and participation of the delegation.