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HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House granted Captain Filippo Marini, Commander of the Port Authority of Rome Fiumicino, the decoration of Grand Officer of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House granted Captain Filippo Marini, Commander of the Port Authority of Rome Fiumicino, the decoration of Grand Officer of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

Captain Filippo Marini describes the Port Authorities' activities

Captain Filippo Marini describes the Port Authorities’ activities

Exchange of gifts between HRH the Duke of Castro and Captain Filippo Marini

Exchange of gifts between HRH the Duke of Castro and Captain Filippo Marini

On February 27th, 2019, Captain Filippo Marini, Commander of the Port Authority of Rome Fiumicino, welcome HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro at the Command of the Coast Guard of Rome Fiumicino. During the meeting HRH the Duke of Castro, as Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Dynastic Orders, promoted Captain Marini to the rank of Grand Officer of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, in the presence of the Command Officers.

HRH the Grand Master was accompanied by the Grand Chancellor HE Prince Francesco Ruspoli; by the Delegate of Rome HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona; by the Vice Delegate of Rome Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello and by the Secretary General HE Dr Giampaolo Grazian.

In the presence of HRH the Duke of Castro, HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d'Aragona, Delegate of Rome, gives Captain Filippo Marini his diploma

In the presence of HRH the Duke of Castro, HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate of Rome, gives Captain Filippo Marini his diploma


The delegations listens to the description of the activities carried out by the Port Authorities

The delegations listens to the description of the activities carried out by the Port Authorities       

Captain Filippo Marini surrounded by the command Officers. From left: HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d'Aragona, Delegate of Rome, HRH the Grand Master, HE Prince Francesco Ruspoli, Grand Chancelor, Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello, Vice Delegate of Rome, Dr Giampaolo Grazian, Secretary General

Captain Filippo Marini surrounded by the command Officers and the Constantinian delegation. From left: HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate of Rome, HRH the Grand Master, HE Prince Francesco Ruspoli, Grand Chancelor, Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello, Vice Delegate of Rome, Dr Giampaolo Grazian, Secretary General

HRH the Duke of Castro gives the decoration to Captain Filippo Marini

HRH the Duke of Castro gives the decoration to Captain Filippo Marini


HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House granted General Francesco Diella, Director of the Military Policlinic of Rome the decoration of Commander of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House granted General Francesco Diella, Director of the Military Policlinic of Rome the decoration of Commander of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d'Aragona, Delegate of Rome, General Francesco Diella and Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello, Vice Delegate of Rome wait for the Grand Master's arrival

HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate of Rome, General Francesco Diella and Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello, Vice Delegate of Rome wait for the Grand Master’s arrival

HRH the Duke of Castro and General Francesco Diella, Director of the Military Policlinic of Rome

HRH the Duke of Castro and General Francesco Diella, Director of the Military Policlinic of Rome


HRH the Duke of Castro and General Francesco Diella, Director of the Military Policlinic of Rome

HRH the Duke of Castro and General Francesco Diella, Director of the Military Policlinic of Rome

On March 1st, His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro visited the Military Polyclinic of Rome where he was received by Division General Francesco Diella, Director of the Military Policlinic of Rome, Major General Giacomo Mammana, Director of the hospital and Brigadier General Roberto Rossetti. On that occasion, General Francesco Diella, Director of the Military Policlinic of Rome, was promoted to Commander of Merit.

The meeting was promoted by H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate of Rome and by Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello, Vice Delegate of Rome and was organized by General Diella himself, who also is Councilor for Relations with Armed forces, police forces and civil protection of the Delegation of Rome, in the presence of Dr Massimo Barra, Representative of the city of Castel Gandolfo and member of the Permanent Commission of the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
HRH Duke of Castro participated in a solemn Mass, presided over by the Military Ordinary, Bishop H.E. Msgr. Santo Marcianò, at the Church “Salus Infirmorum” of the Military Policlinic, assisted by the permanent deacon, the National President of the UNITALSI Dr Antonio Diella


Exchange of presents between HRH the Grand Master and General Francesco Diella

Exchange of presents between HRH the Grand Master and General Francesco Diella

In the presence of HRH the Grand Master, HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d'Aragona, Delegate of Rome, gives his promotion diploma to General Francesco Diella

In the presence of HRH the Grand Master, HH Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate of Rome, gives his promotion diploma to General Francesco Diella


The Constantinian delegations participates in the Solemn Mass

The Constantinian delegations participates in the Solemn Mass


From left: Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello, Dr Giampaolo Grazian, Major General Giacomo Mammana, HRH the Duke of Castro, General Francesco Diella, Dr Antonio Diella, Professor Massimo Barra, H.H. Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d'Aragona

From left: Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello, Dr Giampaolo Grazian, Major General Giacomo Mammana, HRH the Duke of Castro, General Francesco Diella, Dr Antonio Diella, Professor Massimo Barra, H.H. Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona


The Constantinian delegation with the officers and the Military Ordinary Bishop H.E. Msgr. Santo Marcianò after the solemn liturgy

The Constantinian delegation with the officers and the Military Ordinary Bishop H.E. Msgr. Santo Marcianò after the solemn liturgy

HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House granted General Enzo Vecciarelli, Chief of the Defence Staff the decoration of Knight Grand Cross of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House granted General Enzo Vecciarelli, Chief of the Defence Staff the decoration of Knight Grand Cross of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

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On February 28th  2019, the Chief of the Defence Staff, General Enzo Vecciarelli, welcomed HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro at the Ministry of Defense.

During the ceremony HRH the Duke of Castro, as Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Dynastic Orders, promoted General Vecciarelli, appointing him Knight Grand Cross of Merit of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, in the presence of the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, General Luigi Francesco De Leverano.

The Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies was accompanied by the Grand Prefect HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies; by the Grand Chancellor HE Prince Francesco Ruspoli; by the Counselor of the Royal House HE Ambassador Umberto Vattani; by the Vice Delegate of Rome Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco dei Conti Palatini di Lomello and by the Secretary General HE Dr Giampaolo Grazian.

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Official ceremony during which His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House conferred the Insignia as Knight of the Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius and the Collar of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George to His Most Eminent Highness Fra ‘Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

Official ceremony during which His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House conferred the Insignia as Knight of the Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius and the Collar of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George to His Most Eminent Highness Fra ‘Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

During the solemn ceremony, the Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies conferred to the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta the Insignia as Knight of the Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius and the collar of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George.

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His Most Eminent Highness the Prince and Grand Master Fra’ Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto received HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro at the Magistral Palace of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
During the meeting, HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, as Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Dynastic Orders, conferred to His Most Eminent Highness Fra ‘Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Insignia as Knight of the Illustrious Royal Order of Saint Januarius and the collar of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George, in the presence of the Grand Chancellor H.E. Albrecht Freiherr Von Boeselager, Knight Grand Cross of Justice since 1993, the Receiver of the Common Treasury H.E. János Conte Esterházy de Galántha, H.E. the Prelate Jean Laffitte, as well as the Secretary General of Foreign Affairs of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, H.E. Ambassador Stefano Ronca.
HRH the Duke of Castro, Grand Master and Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies, was accompanied by the Grand Prefect HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies; by the Grand Prior H.E. Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino; by the Grand Chancellor H.E. Prince Francesco Ruspoli; by the Delegate of Rome H.H. Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona; by the Ambassador of Italy to the Holy See and to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta H.E. Ambassador Pietro Sebastiani; by the Counselor of the Royal House H.E. Ambassador Umberto Vattani and by the Secretary General HE Dr Giampaolo Grazian.

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Message by HRH the Grand Master

Message by HRH the Grand Master

February 14th, 2019 – Click HERE to read HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies’ message, concerning the celebrations to remember the resistance in Gaeta.

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