CELEBRATIONS FOR SAINT GEORGE IN THE VARIOUS DELEGATIONS - Sito Ufficiale del Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio - Official Site of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George | Site Officiel de l’Ordre Sacré et Militaire Constantinien de Saint-Georges | Sitio official de la Sagrada Orden Militar Constantiniana de San Jorge | Die offizielle Webseite des heiligen konstantinischen Ritterordens vom Heiligen Georg
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The feast of Saint George Martyr was celebrated by the American Delegation with the entry of 21 new Knights and Dames. The investiture ceremony took place in the historic Dominican parish in New York, the Church “San Vincenzo Ferreri”, with the participation not only of the new Knights but also of many Knights and Dames from many other American cities. H.E. Mgr. Arthur Serratelli, Vice Prior of the Delegation and Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace, presided over the Solemn Pontifical, after the investiture. It was concelebrated by the other Vice Prior, Father Edmund Luciano, Knight Officer of Ecclesiastical Grace. The investiture ceremony followed, presided over by the Delegate, Grand Officer John Viola, of 3 Knights of the Royal Order of Francis I, and the promotion of a confrere to Knight Grand Cross of the same Order, with the participation of over 100 people at the town Foundation “christopher columbus”. Then, the “Dinner for San George” took place with Neapolitan musical entertainment.

The Sicilian delegation celebrated Saint George, patron saint of the Order, in Piana degli Albanesi.

In addition, Father Saverio Cento celebrated a Mass for the Solemnity of S. George at the Sanctuary of S. Francesco di Paola in Milazzo.

A group of Knights from Calabria took part in the solemn Eucharistic celebration in memory of Saint George on 23rd of April in Reggio Calabria, in the Parish of Santa Maria della Candelora.

The Noble Knights and Dames resident in Palermo gathered in prayer in the Constantinian Cathedral of the Mansion celebrating the feast of Saint George.

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