Monreale, 22nd December 2015. The Sicilian Delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George organized a Christmas lunch at the Balsamo Hospice of Monreale for the elderly staying at the hospice. Knights Carmelo Sammarco and Vincenzo Nuccio and the Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni served tables together with their Prior H.E. the Most Reverend Mons. Michele Pennisi, Archbishop of Monreale. The Archbishop thanked the Constantinian Order for having adopted the hospice and also recalled that last October H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies and Prince Augusto Ruffo di Calabria attended a lunch at the hospice where they also served the elderly. For Christmas a living crib was set up with the same guests of the hospice being the actors. The video film produced for this occasion will be delivered to His Holiness Pope Francis.