Santa Cristina Gela, Saturday, 16 July, 2016 – A solemn Eucharistic celebration was held in the Diocese of Piana degli Albanesi, presided by Mons. Filippo Sarullo, Priest for the Cathedral of Palermo, concelebrated with the parish priest, Father Porfilio Traficante, to initiate the week of festivities in honor of Santa Cristina, the patron saint of the Sicilian town of Santa Cristina Gela. Present were the Mayor of Santa Cristina Gela, the Mayor of the town of Belmonte Mezzagno, representatives of the local religious confraternities, and a delegation of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George. Led by the Vice Delegate, the holy remains were brought from the Cathedral of Palermo where they are normally preserved in a silver urn of the sixteenth century. They were welcomed at the entrance of the small town and carried in procession into the church. During the homely Mons. Sarullo also paid tribute to the victims of the train accident in Puglia and the attack in Nice. The holy remains were returned to Palermo on July 25th.