H.H. Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d'Aragona conferred the insigna as Knight Grand Cross of Justice to H.E. Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi - Sito Ufficiale del Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio - Official Site of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George | Site Officiel de l’Ordre Sacré et Militaire Constantinien de Saint-Georges | Sitio official de la Sagrada Orden Militar Constantiniana de San Jorge | Die offizielle Webseite des heiligen konstantinischen Ritterordens vom Heiligen Georg
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H.H. Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona conferred the insigna as Knight Grand Cross of Justice to H.E. Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi

H.H. Prince Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona conferred the insigna as Knight Grand Cross of Justice to H.E. Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi

H.E. Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi illustrates to the Order’s delegation the historical and artistic treasures contained in the Palace

Rome, February 28th, 2020 – On February 28th, H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona, Delegate of Rome and Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, accompanied by H.E. Monsignor Giuseppe Sciacca, Secretary of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature, in the presence of Mr. Giampaolo Grazian, Secretary General of the Order, were received by H.E. Count Antonio Zanardi Landi, Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the Holy See at the venue of the Embassy.

H.E. Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi explains to the delegation the conservative restoration interventions funded by fundraising activities

On the occasion of the extremely cordial meeting, the Delegate presented the promotion diploma as Knight Grand-Cross of Justice and the corresponding decoration to H.E. Ambassador Zanardi Landi.

H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona offers H.E. Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi his diploma of promotion

The Ambassador reiterated his gratitude for the charitable activities carried out by the Delegation of Rome of the Constantinian Order.

H.E. Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi is given a copy of the Constantinian Chronicles from Mr. Giampaolo Grazian

The meeting also confirmed the excellent state of relations between the two Orders, as underlined already by the constant relations consolidated over time between H.E.H. Fra’ Giacomo dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto and H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies.

From left to right: Count Riccardo Langosco di Langosco, H.E. Monsignor Giuseppe Sciacca, H.E. Ambassador Antonio Zanardi Landi, H.H. Prince Don Lelio Niccolò Orsini d’Aragona and Mr. Giampaolo Grazian

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