For years, the Ligurian Delegation has been donating different kinds of materials to families and individuals living in the Ligurian Coast. From the Taggia area to the French border, some of them manage to find some kind of job in tourism, unfortunately mainly seasonal, or in the floricultural field, but with all kinds of difficulties. Moreover, over the last years, in the area close to the border, the existing logistical structures can no longer cope with the significant migratory flows of non-EU immigrants concentrated there. In the photo, the food donated by the Ligurian Delegation: with Delegate Engineer Giovanni Chersola, there is Architect Davide Gibelli, Mayor of Camporosso, together with Entrepreneur Santo Polimeni and Pietro Tommaso Chersola, both volunteers of the La Collina Verde nel Mediterraneo Association, which has always been sympathetic and close to the charitable activities carried out by the Delegation. The municipality of Camporosso, which is particularly attentive to the various situations of social hardship, has to deal with the significant school drop-out rate of the area, one of the highest in Italy, and with a lack of spaces in which young people can meet and develop their skills.