Mgr. Arnaldo Morandi, Secretary General of the Office of the Grand Prior, accompanied by Mgr. Pierantonio Bodini, Consultor of the Office, went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes where they were welcomed by Mr. Giannangelo Marciano, Representative of the city of Lourdes and responsible for the pilgrimages of the Constantinian Order. During the visit, which took place from August 10th to 14th, several important and fruitful meetings were scheduled, the one with Dr. Sandro de Franciscis, president of the Lourdes medical office and with Col. Daniel Pezet, President of Notre Dame de Lourdes Hospitality. Don Nicola Ventriglia, coordinator of the Italian-speaking pilgrimages, welcomed the guests with particular care, reserving for Mgr Arnaldo the presidency of the concelebration of the Holy Rosary, broadcasted on an international channel.

Brescia, August 21st, 2020 -In coordination with the Vice Delegate of Lombardy Giuseppe Rizzani, the Prior of Lombardy Arnaldo Morandi and the Secretary of the Representation Maurizio Mirandola visited the charity association “The Resource” of Brescia, which provides assistance to the homeless as well as to people and families in need. Food provided by Mr. Emilio Bertoli has been delivered.