Lumezzane (BS), 18th May 2024 – Knight Romano Savi and the honoree Francesca Ghidine delivered to Caritas of Lumezzane, headed by Father Michele Tognazzi, different food items that, in turn, will be delivered to the needy families. These food items come from the collection at Conad supermarkets.

Brescia, 28th May 2024 – Knight Maurizio Mirandola, together with Prior Monsignor Morandi, delivered part of the food items from the collection at Conad supermarkets to Fondazione Tanghetti and Chiari Onlus. The food items will be put in boxes that will be delivered to the needy family.

Sunday 21th April, at Insigne Collegiata of Casei Gerola, a Holy Mass was celebrated by the Representative Father Maurizio Ceriani in honour of Saint George in the presence of the Delegate and of several Knights and Dames. For the occasion two donation of medical supplies were made to the Azienda di Servizi alla Persona of Pavia.
Milan, 9th May – At the headquarters of the Comando Esercito Lombardia, the new Commander Brigadier General Carmine Sepe invited Delegate Count Giuseppe Rizzani to a reception with the local authorities to introduce himself and illustrate the initiatives he is planning for the Delegation.

The next day, on the occasion of the mak ceremony, the best students of the course Ferrari III of the Scuola Militare Teulie’ of Milan, in the presence of the General of the Army Carlo La Manna, Commander for the training, specialisation and doctrine of the Army and Confrere Commander of the Scuola Antonio Calligaris, received our medal of merit from the Delegate.