Milan, 6 December – The pre-Christmas delegation celebration was much appreciated and successful. After the lighting of the Christmas tree in Piazza Duomo, at 18.00, H.E. Mons. Domenico Siglini, Bishop emeritus of Palestrina, presided the Holy Mass. The Prior Mons. Arnaldo Morandi, the Representative of Pavia Mons. Maurizio Ceriani, the Knights of Ecclesiastical Grace Mons. Marco Domeneghini, Mons. Luigi Mistò, Mons. Gianni Zappa, Don Luca Camisana. The celebration took place in the Constantinian church of San Giorgio al Palazzo, with the Silver Medal of the Singers of San Cipriano, directed by Maestro Knight Alessio Lucchini. Numerous Knights and Dames were present, the Delegate of Lombardy Count Giuseppe Rizzani, the Archduke Martin of Austria Este, Count Roberto Giustiniani, Delegate of Triveneto, Dr. Lorenzo Fiori, President of the Garden Society, General Alfonso Miro, Commander of Lombardy, the Knights Giovanni Ballarino, Alberto Predieri, Federico Pizzi, and Giuseppe Perego, Delegation Councillors, the Grand Officer Alberto Di Maria, Delegate of the Dynastic Orders of the House of Savoy, as well as other important personalities of the Constantinian Order and of the Lombard society. After the ceremony, there followed an elegant and cordial convivial evening at the Circolo Società del Giardino, which ended with Christmas greetings between brothers and guests.