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On thursday, December 7, the Delegation of Molise, represented by its Secretary Commander Giuseppe D’Amico and Knight Off. Francesco Lupo, along with other postulants, provided for the delivery of a significant donation of sports clothing and shoes to the “Community of welcome of San Giorgio” of Chiauci and Pescolanciano. The charitable prefestive operation has collected the most heartfelt thanks from the coordinator of the aforesaid structures, Ms Antonietta Bani, with the Dr. Angela Berardinelli and Mariana Ciavarro and the Dr. Roberto Rosas, in charge of the structures, to whom came the fraternal greetings of the Delegate, Duke Ettore d’Alessandro di Pescolanciano, very close to these territorial realities of social assistance. The group of Constantinian confreres who participated in the initiative was welcomed with a joyful spirit by the guests of the communities, who expressed evident gratitude with smiles and repeated thanks. On 12 December, a further delivery of various clothing and sports shoes to Francesco Fagnano, well-known athletic trainer for years engaged in the sports and social world, in order to send this goods to less well-off people. The Constantinian team will continue to operate with other donations on Molise territory in these weeks before Christmas.

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