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Molise: “Madonna dei Monti”, “Infiorata” and participation in the procession of the Mysteries

Molise: “Madonna dei Monti”, “Infiorata” and participation in the procession of the Mysteries

Sunday 2nd June 2024, on the day of Corpus Christi, the “Procession of the Mysteries”, which is the most awaited and important event for the city of Campobasso, took place. During the procession, 13 big “living pictures”, the Mysteries, paraded through the streets of the city. According to tradition, the “paintings” stopped in front of the city hall, from whose main balcony the blessing of Archbishop H.E. Biagio Colaianni reached the huge crowd. Several Constantian Knights were invited to attend the solemen event by the city’s Mayor Paola Felice. The Delegation of the Order, with the Secretary Commander Giuseppe D’Amico and the Master of Ceremonies Knight Michele di Maioha, brought greeting to H.E. Monsignor Colaianni and to the Mayor Paola Felice, along with the heartfelt congratulations of the Order’s Delegate of Molise, Don Ettore d’Alessandro, Duke of Pescolanciano.

CAMPOBASSO, 31st MAY, 2024 – Invited by the fraternity of the Frati Minori Cappuccini of Campobasso, a large group of the Molise Delegation, led by its Secretary, Commander Giuseppe D’Amico, attended in Campobasso the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by H.E. Monsignor Biagio Colaianni, in honour of Maria Santissima Incoronata del Monte, together with Knight Roberto D’Aloisio, Cristian De Paola, Giuseppe Di Nonno, and the postulants Dafne D’Amico and Michele Tartaglia.
After the ceremony, the procession of “Madonna dei Monti” followed, one of those traditions rooted in the culture of the people of Campobasso.
The now famous carpets of flowers, also known as “Infiorata”, are prepared before the procession; another well-established tradition, born in 1800, which has continued every year since then.

The Cathedral of SS. Trinità was reopened for the faithful of Molise on the afternoon of Sunday 26th May 2024, on the feast of the Trinity Sunday, the main church of Campobasso is dedicated to. With the opening of the doors of the basilica to the faithful, it was possible to show the splendid and precious artistic heritage contained in it, which has recently been recovered and restored.
H.E. Monisgnor Biagio Colaianni, Archbishop of Campobasso-Mojano, together with H.E. Monsignor Giancarlo Maria Bregatini, Archbishop emeritus, presided over the moving and powerful religious ceremony, surrounded by a significant presence of the faithful and civil and military authorities.
A representation of the Molise Delegation was invited to join this solemn event. The Knights attending the ceremony were: Secretary Commander Giuseppe D’Amico and Knight Michele Di Maio, with whom Archbishop Giancarlo M. Bregantini, Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace, shared a jovial and fraternal moment of greeting at the end of the ceremony. On this occasion, the Archbishop himself confirmed his availability for spiritual collaboration with the Order, as Prior of the Delegation.

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