On December 19th, the delegation of Naples and Campania accepted the request of the Redemptorist nuns of Scala to support the usual charitable activities conducted for Christmas. Thanks to the support of the non-profit organization “Live to love – live to love”, the Baby Dream company of brothers Luigi and Pasquale Corvino from Naples and the Schiano company of Mario Schiano from Frattamaggiore, ten packages to Scala Monastery were delivered. In addition, thanks to the Logistics Command of the Naples Navy, various blankets and quilts were also offered. It was also announced that candies will also be given for the Epiphany to children of families in the care of the nuns. On this occasion, a letter of greetings from H.R.H. the Duke of Castro was given to the Mother Superior of the monastery.
Presso la Casa di Remi (casa di accoglienza per gestanti, ragazze madre e bambini) a Parete (CE), sono stati donati 8 plichi contenenti aiuti di sussistenza, ovvero derrate alimentari quali: pasta, olio, pomodori, materiale per la pulizia personale, diverse coperte, lenzuola, abiti invernali, scarpe, giocattoli e in prossimità delle festività dei panettoni.
Sono stati offerti anche dei croissant caldi di diverso gusto.
L’iniziativa è stata condotta dal Cavaliere Gaetano Locci e dal Cav. Raffaele Fattopace.