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November events for ‘New Crumbs Health’ in Monreale

November events for ‘New Crumbs Health’ in Monreale

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Monreale, November 2015. Two different events, which were held in the Monreale branch of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George, situated alongside the Church of ‘Maria SS degli Agonizzanti’ (‘Blessed Mary for the Agonising’) and which were concerned to distribute children’s food and accessories, saw participation by the Vice Delegate along with the following Knights: Salvatore Vassallo, Carmelo Sammarco, and Vincenzo Nuccio. The Delegation was assisted by the volunteering team currently working on the project. As many as forty families braved weather conditions, standing in a queue for a chance to pick up their share of nappies, homogenised baby food, baby milk, both standard and dairy-free for toddlers with milk allergies. Food supplies were also distributed at the same event, including cookies, sugar and other food items. Based on a rough estimate of 2-3 children per family unit (up to 5 in some cases), the Delegation of Sicily, headed by the Grand Prior, His Most Reverend Eminence Mons. Michele Pennisi, is currently providing assistance to about 90 children at events held on a fortnightly basis. As Christmas draws near, the Constantinian Delegation is planning to go the extra mile to give even more needy children a smile in December.




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