On Saturday 11 December, the solemn Investiture ceremony of the Delegation of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta took place at the Shrine St Anthony of Padua in Turin. The Holy Mass was presided over by H.E. Most Rev. Monsignor Farinella, Bishop of Biella and Prior of the Delegation, in the presence of the Delegate Count Marco Galateri di Genola and the Vice Delegate Knight Nicolò Papurello and the Provincial Representatives. During the ceremony, the standards of several local municipalities were decorated, in particular those of Sezzadio (AL), Incisa Scapaccino (AT), Castelnuovo Belbo (AT) and Castello di Annone (AT). The Delegate of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Count Emanuele di Rovasenda del Melle di Ceresole di Palermo attended the ceremony, accompanied by H.E. Fra’ Angelo Chiastellaro, Venerable Bailiff Grand Cross of Justice of the Order of Malta, as well as Constantinian Knight. Among the honorees of the evening were Colonel Edmondo Dotoli (Commander of the Army Military Command) and Colonel Massimiliano Pucciarelli, Provincial Commander of Alessandria of the Italian finance police. General Roberto De Masi, Chief of Staff of the Application School of the Army, received the Silver Medal of Merit on the occasion. At the end of the ceremony, a Gala dinner for Christmas greetings was held at the Circolo Ufficiali, attended by about 150 people including members of the Order and sympathisers, in full compliance with the current anti-Covid rules.