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On January 8th, the first distribution of the year for the project Briciole di Salute was held in Monreale. The Vice Delegate, along with Mr. Gregory Dendramis, Mr. Marco Scolaro, Ms. Lia Giangreco, Ms. Sonia Lo Monaco and Ms. Antonella Zito, offered products for fifty children from zero to three years old.

On January 6th, the Sicilian delegation distributed sweets and toys to children as part of the Briciole di Salute project at the Maria SS degli Agonizzanti church in Monreale. The Vice Delegate, Mrs. Giovana Galli and Mrs. Sonia Lo Monaco also distributed 100 pairs of shoes received by the association “Doniamo un Sorriso Smile Live”.

After the Holy Mass of the Epiphany, which was held at the Basilica La Magione, the traditional distribution of sweets was held in favour of the most needy children of the parish. The delegation distributed more than 100 Epiphany stockings and gifts to these children.

On December 27th, a group of knights carried out the usual food distribution as part of the “Briciole di Salute” project in Paternò.

On December 30th, the usual distribution of products for children took place at the premises of S. Stefano Church in Piazza Armerina.

On December 22nd Mgr. Salvatore Grimaldi celebrated a Mass for Knights and Dames on the occasion of Christmas. Mgr Grimaldi also announced the twinning of the parish of Magione with a parish of Senegal. Many knights and Dames, the Vice Delegate and Baron Vincenzo Calefati di Canalotti, Knight of Justice of the Order and Delegate for Western Sicily of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta attended, too.

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