H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, accompanied by the Vice Delegate of Sicily, Noble Antonio di Janni and by the Referent for the city of Noto Comm. Dr. Marcello Cantone, was received by the new Bishop of Noto Mons. Salvatore Rumeo.

On Sunday 19th of March, Monsignor Salvatore Rumeo, having received the day before the consecration as Bishop of the Diocese, celebrated, as Pastor of the Netina Diocese, his first Holy Mass with a solemn Pontifical in the cathedral of Noto. H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, H.R.H. Princess Anne of Bourbon Two Sicilies, accompanied by Vice Delegate Nob. Dr. Antonio di Janni, Comm. Marcello Cantone, Constantinian Referent for Noto and Nicosia, Comm. Antonio Amato, Referent for Catania and province, Knight Leonardo Mirandola, Referent for Syracuse and a large number of Knights attended the ceremony.

The usual donations of the principals for children of needy families, from zero to three years, of the Project Briciole di Salute were held at various Sicilian towns including Noto, Patti, Carini and S. Martino delle Scale.

On Friday 24th of March, Noble Antonio di Janni and Dame Carmela Di Paola, Referent of the delegation of Cefalù, were received by Mons. Giuseppe Marciante, Bishop of the norman city. During the cordial meeting, the Vice Delegate explained to the Bishop the Project Briciole di Salute that helps children from zero to three years old of needy families. He also asked Mgr. Marciante to be the spiritual guide of the Constantinian Order in his Diocese and to indicate where to carry out charitable activities.

On Thursday 28th of March Noble Antonio di Janni, Noble Manlio Corselli and Dame Carmela Munda have been invited by the Commander of Air Base 37 of the Stormo di Birgi (TP), Colonel Daniele Donati, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Aeronautical Arm. A delegation of the Italian Red Cross guided from the regional Inspector Sister Sally Lacagnina was present. She spoke with the Vice Delegate complimenting for the humanitarian activities carried out by the Sicilian delegation.

The Vice Delegate Noble Antonio di Janni gave to Mons. Gualtiero Isacchi, Archbishop of Monreale, the appointment of Knight Grand Cross of Ecclesiastical Grace on Palm Sunday, immediately after the Solemn Pontifical. The Archbishop accepted with pleasure the appointment and agreed to lead the delegation, within his own Archdiocese, for the works of assistance and charity that the Order has been carrying out for several years.

The ceremony of Palm Sunday was held on 2 April in the Majestic Cathedral of Monreale. The liturgical celebration, presided by Mons. Gualtiero Isacchi, Archbishop of Monreale, began in the churchyard of the Church of San Giuseppe, where the prelate blessed the palms and the olive branches of the many faithful present. Mgr. Isacchi, immediately after the blessing, together with the diocesan Clergy, the Constantinian Knights and the people of God paraded in procession, imitating the entry of Jesus into the City of Jerusalem, through the streets of Monreale leading to the Cathedral. In addition to the Vice Delegate, Knights Vincenzo Nuccio, Manlio Corselli, Antonino Patti, Alberto Marino, Fabio Marino, Gregory Dendramis, Giovanni Impastato, Giovanni Falcone, Rosario Palermo, Giulio Pillitteri, Maurizio Di Stefano as well as Dames Mariella Lo Castro, Carmela Munda and Maria Antonia Spagnolo also took part in the ceremony.