The Vice Delegate of the Sicilian delegation, accompanied by Mr. Francesco Paolo Guarneri and Dr. Gregory Dendramis, visited H.E. Msgr. Giorgio Demetrio Gallaro in Piana degli Albanesi. During the meeting, in the presence of the Head of the Diocesan Caritas, Dr. Giuseppe Caruso, new charity projects were discussed. In the end, the bishop delivered the current copies of the hagiography of San Demetrio Megalomartire. Immediately afterwards, the delegation delivered to Caritas some products of the “Briciole di Salute” project.

On November 2nd, the Tuscan delegation and the Sicilian delegation donated snacks and cookies to the Casa del Sorriso in Monreale, The cookies are made by Mrs. Enza Pizzolato at her bakery in Alcamo.

On October 30th, the second distribution of october for the project “Briciole di Salute” was held in Monreale. Volunteers Sonia Lo Monaco and Antonella Zito distributed diapers, baby food, milk, snacks, children’s clothing, pastries and toys for children.

On October 27th, HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, accompanied by the Vice Delegate, visited the structure “La Vergine della Tenda di Cristo” in Acireale which hosts needy mothers and their children. Immediately before a charity lunch to raise funds for the structure, the Princess and the Bishop delivered to the structure many products for the project “Briciole di Salute”.