On May 31st, after receiving the invitation by Father Emanuele Nicotra, parish priest of the church of Santa Maria La Stella, a representation of the Order participated in the Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy. After more than 17 months of closure due to the earthquake that struck the region in December 2018, the church, thanks to contributions from the municipality and the citizens, has reopened. Mr. Uccio Arena and Mr.Tony Zarrillo attended the celebration.

On June 3rd, Mr. Tony Zarrillo went to the Diocesan House of the Holy Family in Patti for the delivery of basic necessities which will be distributed to the needy people. In addition, he joined confreres Salvatore Mangione, Davide Gentile and Placido Salamone for another donation to the local Caritas centre; subsequently, they went to the curia to greet the local ecclesiastical authorities.