Bangkok, 21 March 2021 – The Vice Delegate took part to the Launch of the book ‘Southeast Asia 2022’ (Bilan enjeux et perspectives, in French) by ‘Irasec’ (Research Institute of Contemporary Southeast Asia, founded twenty years ago), with opening remarks by the French Ambassador in Thailand, His Excellency Thierry Mathou, at the Auditorium of « Alliance Française Bangkok », and Her
Excellency Sarah Taylor, Ambassador of Canada, as Special Guest.
Five authors (Adèle Esposito Andujar, Christine Cabasset, Jean-Philippe Eglinger, Éric Frécon and Jérôme Samuel) debated during a hybrid event (face-to-face and online) co-organized by “Alliance Française Bangkok” and moderated by Pierre Prakash, Deputy Director of Asia at the International Crisis Group.
The book, the sixteenth edition of ‘Irasec’ yearly studies, is a unique and comprehensive analysis of the principal events occurred in eleven countries in the field of politics, economy, society, environment and diplomacy; it also includes more detailed articles as well as useful charts. It is available for free consultation https://books.openedition.org/irasec/4599
The Vice Delegate was glad to present a gadget bearing the Coat of Arms of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies to the French Ambassador and, in occasion of his birthday, one more to Mister Sylvain Bano, Director of “Alliance Française Bangkok”.
She had the occasion to discuss as well with the new ‘Irasec’ Director Dr. Jérôme Samuel, who has lived for many years in Indonesia and later pursued his academic career in France, and with the Deputy Director Dr. Christine Cabasset, whom she already met on different occasions, on very interesting topics for the Delegation, which covers the whole Region of Southeast Asia.