Montecarlo (LU), May 6th, 2020 – Mr. Daniele Romanelli, as representative of the Tuscan delegation, with the collaboration of the president of the Civil Protection Rescue Authority of Chiesina Uzzanese (PT), Ivano Lucchesi, delivered food to Mr. Andrea Simoncini, head of the family house “Della Pace”.

Agliana (PT), May 6th, 2020 – Mr. Dino Greco, representative for the city of Prato and its province, and Mr. Giacomo Perrina, in collaboration with the non-profit organization “Regalami un Sorriso”, have donated of a supply of masks on behalf of the delegation to the President of the Archbishopric of Misericordia di Agliana, Mrs. Ilaria Signori.