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On Nov. 20, a Mass was celebrated by Reverend Antonino La Paglia on the feast of Saint Albert the Great in which many Knights and Dames of the Constantinian Order participated: the Dames Giuseppina Crescimanna, Angelica Zarba and Margherite Scarpinata and the Knights Alessandro Balsamo, Matteo Bertino, Gioacchino Borzellino, Calogero Di Naro, Salvatore Favata, Claudio Giuffrè, Giuseppe Mastrobuono and Elio Virone. The latter renewed the prayer to St. Michael, at the end of the celebration. The Confraternity of St. Albert was also present. At the end of the liturgy, the Knights participated in the solemn procession of the simulacrum of St. Albert.

On Nov. 20, at the end of the celebration in honour of Saint Albert the Great, a moment of solidarity was held in favour of the community of San Cataldo, with donations of clothing and food supplies.

Monthly appointment on Nov. 26, in Alcamo, at the historic sacristy of the parish church and Church Santa Maria Assunta of Alcamo, for the “Bricole di salute” project in favour of indigent minors in the Alcamo area. Monsignor Aldo Giordano, Archpriest of the Church of Alcamo, Comm. Antonio Fundaró, Commander Pier Francesco Mistretta, Knight Mario Vitiello and Gaetano Di Gaetano were present at the handover. Commander Pier Francesco Mistretta, on the occasion, also on behalf of the Vice Delegate Antonio di Janni, emphasized how the Constantinian Order is close to those in need.
Mrs. Castrenza Pizzolato and Professor Filippo Nobile contributed to the signification donation.



Cremona, Soresina 16 November 2022 – Mrs. Daniela Rossi Triboldi, Councillor of the Delegation of Lombardy, with the patronage of such Delegation, has offered the pubblication of the book “Devozione e devozione a Soresina tra Ottocento e Novecento”, published by the “San Siro” Cultural Group.
On Sunday 16 November at 4 p.m, the Professor and Father Paolo Fusar Imperatore, director of the Diocesan Archive of Cremona and lecturer in Church History in the seminaries of Cremona, Crema, Vigevano and Pavia, presented the book during a concert of sacred music with organ and voices, in the church of the Monastery of the Visitation of Santa Maria in Soresina.



8 September – Sanctuary of Montenero (LI) – At the invitation of the Prior of the Delegation, His Excellency Monsignor Simone Giusti, a group of Knights of the Tuscan Delegation took part in the annual Pilgrimage of the Diocese of Livorno to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Graces in Montenero for the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The pilgrimage began from Piazzale Giovanni XXIII in the presence of numerous faithful, coming not only from the Diocese of Livorno but also from other Tuscan cities, who walked towards the Sanctuary praying the Holy Rosary. Many voluntary associations, the Misericordie of Livorno, CISOM and representatives of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem were present. The Eucharistic Concelebration, celebrated on the Shrine’s parvis, was presided over by H.E.R. Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, Metropolitan Archbishop Emeritus of Florence. Many civil and military Authorities were present, including the Prefect of Livorno Mr. Paolo D’Attilio, the Deputy Mayor of Livorno Mrs. Libera Camici, and the Provincial Commander of the Carabinieri Colonel Piercarmine Sica. After the Holy Mass, in a room of the Sanctuary the Constantinian Knights present had the opportunity to meet Cardinal Antonelli who asked for news about our Order and its activities.

10.09.2022 – Avenza (MS). At the invitation of the Parish of Maria SS. Mediatrice, a group of Knights of the Tuscan Delegation participated in the Holy Mass in memory of the Carabinieri killed in the course of their service, among whom we remember Vittorio Iacovacci, Gold Medal of Merit to the Memory of our Order. The Eucharistic Concelebration was presided over by Diocesan Bishop H.E. the Most Reverend Father Mario Vaccari in the presence of numerous faithful and Military Authorities. At the end of the Holy Mass, Monsignor Vaccari, on behalf of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri, presented some commemorative plaques to members of the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, and to our Order.

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