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Constantinian Order sent Humanitarian Aid to Lampedusa

Constantinian Order sent Humanitarian Aid to Lampedusa


Lampedussa, 10 May 2011. Constantinian Order sent Humanitarian Aid to Lampedusa in order to contribute to the aid to immigrants from Africa who these days are landing in thousands on the shores of the island of Lampedusa The Delegation of the Constantinian Sicily and Umbria-Marche have delivered a “truck” full of food supplies that were sent directly to the parish priest of the Church of Lampedusa, Don Stefano Nastasi who is responsible for its distribution. The Vice Delegate for Sicily was present and accompanied by Dr Antonio di Janni Gasperino Como Knight and Robert Knight Marche Frittelli who have made use of the contribution of young volunteers of the Humanitarian Aid Association of the Marche Region.

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