On Friday 22/09/2023 at 6 pm, the “Teresian Jubilee” was inaugurated in the city of Cosenza, celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of St. Therese of Lisieux and the 100th anniversary of her canonization. The Jubilee, granted in a special way by Pope Francis, began with the opening of the bronze Holy Door of the dedicated church, by H. E. Mons. Parisi, Bishop of Lamezia. The Knights and Dames placed themselves on one side of the church steps outside, in front of the members of the Equestrian Order of St. Sepulchre of Jerusalem, crowning the Bishop and accompanying him, after the opening of the Door, inside the church, taking up positions in the dedicated benches, immediately behind the civil and military Authorities that were present at the ceremony. The Benemerits and the volunteers were also present. The religious rite was also officiated by Mons. Dario De Paola, promoter of the Jubilee, pastor of St. Teresa and chaplain of the Cosenza Representation. A large musical choir animated the celebration. At the end of the celebration, after the usual photos, a rich buffet took place. It was set up in a parish hall and was reserved for the Orders of chivalry present.