Piacenza, 14 of September – On the occasion of the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the Piacenza Delegation celebrated the entry of new Knights into the Order. The solemn investiture took place within the walls of the impressive royal oratory of Saint Dalmazio. The Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit, guardian of the oratory for centuries, welcomed the Knights of Piacenza and many other Knights from the cities of Emilia to participate in the important event. At the end of the Holy Mass, presided by H.E. Monsignor Gianni Ambrosio, Bishop Emeritus of Piacenza and Prior of the Constantinian Order, and concelebrated by Father Stefano Antonelli, Vice Prior, and Father Marcello Mantellini, of the Diocese of Reggio Emilia, The new Knights were awarded diplomas of appointment, promotion and merit. The Knights who joined the Constantinian Order are: Colonel Fabio Frattolillo, Commander of the II Pontieri Regiment, Mr Cristiano Guidotti, freelance, Mr Giuseppe Borea, freelance, Mr Gabriele Secchi, entrepreneur. Sebastiano Zappalà and Angelo Massari, Military Academy of Modena, were promoted to the upper grade. They were accompanied for the occasion by the Representative of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Knight of the Grand Cross Doctor Ilario Pagani. The delegation wanted to reward a young Piacenza student, Alessandro Sonlieti, who has been collaborating for years with the representation of Piacenza, delivering a bronze medal of merit. The ceremony ended with the interventions of the Delegate for Emilia-Romagna the Knight Officer of Justice Count Gian Luca Mattioli Belmonte Cima and the Vice Delegate Knight Dr. Pietro Coppelli, who summarized the main activities carried out by the group in favor of the local community.

Ferrara, Monday September 11 – A donation was made to the volunteer association “Servizio Accoglienza alla Vita” – SAV of Ferrara, which works to assist and help mothers and families in difficulty. The volunteers Matteo Zaganelli and Walter Chessa, coordinating with Knight Davide Zamboni and Knight Representative of Ecclesiastical Grace Father Davide Benini, have delivered what was collected during the summer break, a large amount of toys and other accessories for children. With this activity resumes the pastoral and charitable year for Knights and volunteers of the Representation of Ferrara.

Piacenza, on Saturday 30 September, at the end of the celebration of the rite of beatification of Father Giuseppe Beotti, H.E. Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Grand Prior of the Constantinian Order, received the representation of Piacenza. The meeting was held at the episcopal chapel in the complex of the Episcope of Piacenza. For the Dames and Knights of Piacenza, led by the Prior of the Delegation Emilia Romagna Monsignor Gianni Ambrosio, the Vice Prior Father Stefano Antonelli and the Vice Delegate Knight Pietro Coppelli, it was an important moment of discussion and sharing on some issues. The meeting with Cardinal Semeraro allowed the Vice Delegate Knight Coppelli to briefly illustrate the main activities carried out, mainly inspired to support, with concrete works of charity, the community of Piacenza. The Grand Prior, thanking those present for their commitment and affection for the Constantinian Order, concluded the meeting with his blessing.