The Delegation of Calabria, together with the cultural Association “Due Sicilie” of Gioiosa Jonica, celebrated a solemn Mass in the local Parish of San Rocco, for the 130° anniversary of the passing of Francis II of Bourbon, last King of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

A great gesture of solidarity was made on the 8th of December 2024. Knight Antonino Campolo donated a conspicuous amount of pasta to the Parish of Saint Francis of Assisi in Reggio Calabria. The parish priest Giovanni Aitollo expressed his sincere gratitude for the contribution.

A thread that connects not just sweaters, scarves and blankets, but also people, stories and solidarity: this is the core of the Association “Cuore di Lana”. Thanks to a generous donation of balls of wool by the Delegation of Calabria, made the last 9th of December in Polistena (RC), the project of the association will receive a new impetus to continue spreading warmth, comfort and a sense of community.
Reggio Calabria, 21st of November 2024. On the occasion of the liturgical memorial of the Virgo Fidelis, an important initiative of solidarity took shape in Reggio Calabria, thanks to the Delegation of Calabria, which donated 50 hot meals to needy families served by the Caritas of the Parish of Santa Maria della Candelora. The Delegation thanks the Knight Antonino Campolo, without whose commitment this donation could not have been organized.
17th of November – The Delegation of Calabria responded enthusiastically to the call of the World Day of the Poor, instituted by Pope Francis to raise awareness of the importance of helping those most in need. The event saw the Delegation donating to the Parish of Santa Marina Vergine of Polistena goods of first necessity and various meals.
The food collection organized in favour of the Food Bank thanks to the generosity of the members of the Delegation, was a success. The initiative was held on the 16th of November at a supermarket in Rosarno (RC) and saw an extraordinary participation. The success of the event was possible thanks to the collaboration between our Delegation and the LIONS Club Polistena Brutium. Our Delegation contributed by giving long-life food. Later on, Dames, Knights, Meritorious and Costantinian Volunteers, together with the members of LIONS, dedicated time and energies to manage the meeting point and the food transportation, collecting more than 150kg of groceries in a few hours. The food collected was delivered to the Bank Food that will distribute it to families and people in difficulties of the territory.
On the 7th of October, a representation of the Delegation of Calabria attended the celebration of the Mass in occasion of the liturgical memorial of the Madonna del Rosario. The Mass was celebrated in Vibo Valentia at the church of Del Rosario, presided by Knight of Ecclesiastical Grace, Father Filippo Ramondino. The Eucharistic celebration was enriched by a supportive initiative that involved our Delegation. Concomitantly with the solemn Mass, a donation of baby products was organised, with the aim of supporting the families in difficulties of the local community. Nappies, clothes, powder milk, hygiene items and toys were donated.

The donation made by the Crotonian Representation to the Soup Kitchen “Padre Pio” in the Pythagorean city, assumed a particular value because it coincided with the solemnity of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary and at the same time with the Supplication, that the dean of the Crotone clergy, Monsignor Pancrazio Limina, addressed to the Virgin of Pompei. Over a hundred slices of lean meat and various boxes of pasta were donated to the diocesan structure founded by Monsignor Limina in 1997. The donation was delivered by Knight of Merit Vito Michele De Caro and by Knights of Grace Nicola Oliverio and Antonio Oliverio.