Ferrara, Sunday the 14th of December 2024. In preparation to Christmas the Representation made two important donations in the same day, so that it could guarantee a tangible sign of vicinity to the needy in sight of the imminent Holidays. The first donation was devolved to the voluntary association “Servizio Accoglienza alla Vita” – SAV of Ferrara. The volunteers Marco Zaganelli and Walter Chessa and Knight Davide Zamboni, in coordination with the Representative Father Davide Benini, welcomed by the tireless volunteers whom we thank, they delivered what was collected, with the important contribution of the volunteer Emanuele Chessa: toys, clothes and baby accessories, nappies, baby milk, pasta, canned vegetables, drinks, chocolate, Christmas panettone and much more. The second donation of the day was devolved to the Parish Caritas of S. Spirito, active in historic centre of Ferrara to help the most needy, where the volunteer Walter Chessa and Knight Davide Zamboni, again in coordination with the Representative Father Davide Benini, welcomed by a parish collaborator, delivered what they had previously collected together with the volunteer Emanuele Chessa.
About 150 kg of pasta and canned vegetables, clothes, underwear and shoes for large sizes and elderly are stored here.

The Dames and the Knights of the representation of Piacenza wished to be close to the children of families in difficulty and in precarious situations. They did so with a rich donation of toys and books. The representation was flanked by the Caritas diocesan of Piacenza for organisational and logistical activities.
The Vice Delegate Knight Officer Pietro Coppelli expressed satisfaction for the achievement, thanking all the Knights who were engaged in the collection of gifts. He addressed special thanks to the management of the Scuola Sant’Orsola, represented by Enrico Micheli, for having involved the young students in this solidarity work. Coppelli underlined how these small acts represent the seed that should germinate in every child, educating them towards the gesture of gift and charity. The Director of the diocesan Caritas, Deacon Mario Idda, thanked the Delegation for its constant activity conducted for the needy, and praised the initiative which carries a strong message represented not only by the material gifts but above all by the gesture of closeness to all those people living on the margins of society. At the end of the ceremony the Vice Prior of the Delegation Father Stefano Antonelli blessed the gifts.

Ferrara, 8th of November 2024. In the usual charitable works and charity of the Representation was made a donation to the association of voluntary “Servizio Accoglienza alla Vita” – SAV of Ferrara, that operates for the assistance and help to mothers and families in difficulties. Volunteer Walter Chessa, Knight Davide Zamboni and Knight Antonio Ombra, in coordination with the Representative Father Davide Benini, delivered what was collected in the previous weeks: toys, clothes and baby accessories, Children’s health aids and pasta. We also thank for the generous contribution of part of the material Father Giuliano Scotton. During the delivery the SAV volunteer Lilli Gabellini was present and thanked for the welcome and the commitment to the needy.

Ferrara, the 31st of October 2024. For the All Saints’ Day, volunteer Walter Chessa and Knight Antonio Ombra, in coordination with the Representative Father Davide Benini and Knight Davide Zamboni, had delivered a quintal of pasta, a pallet of Food products in glass boxes (approximately a quintal) and 8 big boxes full of clothes for adults and youngsters, to the Monastery of the Sisters Clarisse of the Corpus Domini of Ferrara. Sister Giovanna was present at the delivery, and we sincerely thank her for the welcome.