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As part of the project “La Fame del Vicino”, Mrs. Maria Clara Bollini, representative for the city of Vigevano, accompanied by Mr. Vincenzo Bonifacio and Mr. Nicola Impagnatiello, decided to support many people who visit Caritas (located at San Francesco church) daily because of their situation. In fact, many products have been delivered.



Pistoia, June 7th 2019 – Mr. Daniele Romanelli, representative for the city of Pistoia and Mr. Antonio Vignali, assisted by other aspiring knights, donated to the President of the association “Un raggio di speranza in stazione”, some food products for the needy people of the community.

Livorno, June 13th 2019 – The Knights and Dames of the delegation participated in a solemn Eucharistic celebration, celebrated by the Vice General of the Diocese of Livorno, Msgr. Ivano Costa, assisted by Father Emilio Kolaczyk. The statue of the Virgin was conducted in procession and by boat through the canals of the old fortress, where, at the end of the blessing of the victims of the sea, was exposed in the church of San Francesco.



Livorno, June 5nd, 2019 – Mr. Ezio Papa and Mr. Giovanni Merola, on behalf of the Tuscan delegation, donated essential items to the Caritas head of San Benedetto parish in Livorno, Mr. Ilio Andolfi. Some aspiring Knights of the Tuscan delegation also contributed to the donation.

Naples and the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, a strong bond made of presence and projects on the occasion of the celebrations for H.M. Ferdinand II

Naples and the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, a strong bond made of presence and projects on the occasion of the celebrations for H.M. Ferdinand II

HRH Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Grand Master and Head of the Royal House was in Naples with HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect of the Constantinian Order, to inaugurate the celebrations in honor of King Ferdinand II, 160 years after his death. Two days of institutional, cultural and solidarity events have strengthened the link between the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies and Naples and its historic role.

On Friday, May 31st, a solemn liturgical celebration in memory of King Ferdinand II was celebrated at the Royal Papal Basilica of San Francesco di Paola, presided by HE Andrea Muggione, Prior of the Campania Delegation of the Constantinian Order. During the ceremony, attended by HRH the Grand Master, HRH the Grand Prefect, HE Prince Ruspoli, Grand Chancellor, HE Gian Carlo dei Principi Rocco di Torrepadula, Grand Treasurer, the investiture of approximately 50 illustrious personalities in the Constantinian Sacred Military Order of St. George and the Royal Order of Francis I took place. The new knights and dames, appointed motu proprio by HRH the Duke of Castro, Head of the Royal House, are excellences of our country.

Ambassadors Lambertini, Mancini and Vattani, the vice-president of the Court of Accounts, Arturo Martucci di Scarfizzi, vice-president emeritus of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, Professor Michele Vietti, were all present at the church, as active part of the ceremony. During the liturgy a large number of authorities, including the general of the board of directors, Salvatore Farina and the best representatives of the civil society and of Campania were admitted in the Order. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, the large group of participants in the solemn liturgy moved to Palazzo Salerno for a toast, which was also attended by a large number of delegates from all Italian regions. Then a private dinner followed and was organized by Marquise Federica de Gregorio Cattaneo, Delegate of the Order for Naples.

On Saturday, June 1st, HRH the Duke of Castro attended the scuba diving of some blind children of the “Paolo Colosimo” Institute of Naples. The aim of this initiative, the SeaRen project, is to give children with visual and motor impairments the opportunity to dive at sea. The morning was devoted to the unique scenario of the archaeological complex of Baia. The initiative has received moral support from the Constantinian Order and the Royal House since last June; the Constantinian Order, in fact, donated all the necessary equipment (wetsuits and fins) for diving and it was also an opportunity to assist to the operations carried out by young people engaged in a remarkable and autonomous growth path.



On Tuesday, May 21st, the vice Delegate and Mrs. Lia Giangreco delivered to the sisters of the structure Boccone del Povero in Monreale some diapers, milk, biscuits, pasta and baby food.

Like every month, the Sicilian delegation supplies about 10 kg of artisanal biscuits to Casa del Sorriso. The Vice Delegate of Sicily and Mrs Lia Giangreco also delivered diapers and 24 liters of milk.

The families of patients admitted to “Barone Romeo” hospital are accommodated free of charge. The Bishop of Patti, HE Msgr. Guglielmo Giombanco, having taken note of this sad reality, made available to these people the premises of the diocesan structure. On May 23rd, some volunteers gave confectionery products to sister Rita and sister Shiny.

On May 31st, the representative of Catania, accompanied by Knight Cristoforo Arena and Mrs. Giuseppe D’Urso, entrusted children’s products to the nuns of the Madonna della Tenda di Cristo structure.

On May 29th, the second monthly distribution of Briciole di Salute project took place in Monreale. Daniela Prestigiacomo, Antonella Zito and Sonia Lo Monaco distributed diapers of different sizes, biscuits, baby food, milk, pasta, baby clothes, toys and two strollers.

On May 29th, HRH Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Grand Prefect, accompanied by the Vice Delegate, was the guest of honor at the gala evening of the F.I.A.P.A. The president of the Catania section, Cinzia Torrisi, gave the Donna F.I.A.P.A. Award to Princess Beatrice for her social commitment in the project.

On June 4th, Father D Dario Pavone hosted a group of knights and dames at S. Stefano Church in Piazza Armerina. They donated garrisons for children.

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