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Rome, 26 October 2022 – H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, expresses his deep sorrow for the death of H.E. Don Sforza Marescotto Ruspoli, dei Principi di Cerveteri, Bailiff Knight Grand Cross of Justice and Member of the Royal Deputation of the Order. H.E. Don Sforza Ruspoli has long served  the Constantinian Order, joining it as Knight of Justice in 1986, then promoted to Grand Cross in 1999 and Bailiff in 2006. Between 2009 and 2014, H.E. Don Sforza held the role of Delegate of Rome and Lazio of the Order, boosting an important growth in terms of numbers and prestige, and directing its activities taking into account the deep bond with the Holy See. This morning His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Martino, Protodeacon of the Holy Roman Church and Grand Prior of the Order, prayed for his soul.



In March, in light of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Dynastic Orders, decided to launch a fund-raising campaign in favor of the population affected, following the recommendation of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in accordance with the priorities indicated by the Ukrainian authorities. The fundraising lasted until the beginning of July.

The basic goods purchased through the donation were delivered to the population in Ukraine thanks to the Italian Red Cross, that moved personal hygiene goods and non-perishable foodstuffs for an estimated weight of about 30 tons and a volume of 85.51 cubic meters with two trucks.

On Friday 21 October, H.R.H. the Grand Master, along with H.R.H. Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duchess of Calabria and Palermo, H.R.H. Princess Maria Chiara of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duchess of Noto and Capri, and the Secretary General of the Order, Mr Giampaolo Grazian, went to the National Emergency Operations Center of the Italian Red Cross, where these goods were collected before being sent to the areas affected by the ongoing conflict.

Ignazio Schintu, Director of Operations, Emergency and Rescue of the Italian Red Cross declared: “Our activities to support the population affected by the conflict has never stopped, thanks to the help of many partners and donors who, through several ways, continue to help us to guarantee essential goods. On behalf of the entire Italian Red Cross, I thank the Constantinian Order of Saint George for the attention and trust put on the Italian Red Cross to ensure that our contribution can ease the suffering of so many vulnerable people”.

The Duke of Castro said: ‘I am very grateful for the opportunity offered by the Italian Red Cross to donate what the Order has collected in recent months thanks to the active support of the Italian Red Cross, also following the existing collaboration between the Italian Red Cross and the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, based on the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 4 December 2018″.

Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii, Patroness of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies and of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

Virgin of the Rosary of Pompeii, Patroness of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies and of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, Grand Prior and Protodeacon of the Holy Roman Church, reminds everyone of the celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Holy Rosary of Pompeii, Patroness of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies and of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. The memory is celebrated in the two Marian months of 8 May and 7 October. On the first Sunday of October, the prayer of Supplication is said to the Virgin Mary in the sanctuary of Pompeii and in all churches at 12 :00 am. The devotion to the Virgin of the Rosary dates back to the 13th century, when the Dominican order was founded. In fact, the disciples of St Dominic spread the practice of the Rosary. The depictions showing the Virgin giving the Rosary to St Dominic and St Catherine are a reference. New impetus was given to the pious practice in the second half of the 16th century, when Pope Pius V attributed the victory of the Christian fleet against the Turks at Lepanto to the intercession of the Virgin of the Rosary. A third and definitive impetus came in the second half of the 19th century when Blessed Bartolo Longo decided to build a church in honour of Our Lady of the Rosary in the Pompeii valley. The religious purpose of the initiative was part of the broader intent to offer civil and moral redemption to populations abandoned for centuries in their misery. For this reason, the sanctuary was completed by a veritable “city of charity”, made up of kindergartens, orphanages and hospices for the children of prisoners. Bartolo Longo wanted to elevate culturally and spiritually the peasants of the Pompeii valley. At the same time, as the supplication says, his work opened up to the universal dimension, because all Christians, all people need God’s mercy invoked through Mary, Mother of Mercy. “Pietà vi prenda, o Madre buona, pietà di noi, delle anime nostre, delle nostre famiglie, dei nostri parenti, dei nostri amici, dei nostri fratelli estinti, e soprattutto dei nostri nemici. Misericordia per tutti, o Madre di Misericordia.” The Grand Prior invites all Knights of Ecclesiastical Grace, Brothers and Sisters to celebrate with true devotion the Patroness Marian Feast of the Constantinian Order, praying for the Grand Master and the Royal Family and imploring peace, goodness and brotherhood among peoples and nations.

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Pompeii, pray for us.

Conferimento del diploma di Cavaliere di Gran Croce di Merito all’Ammiraglio di Squadra Enrico Credendino

Conferimento del diploma di Cavaliere di Gran Croce di Merito all’Ammiraglio di Squadra Enrico Credendino

In occasione della permanenza a Roma di S.A.R. il Gran Maestro, il programma degli incontri istituzionali è stato molto fitto. Tra gli altri, Sua Altezza Reale il Duca di Castro, accompagnato dal Gran Prefetto S.A.R. la Principessa Beatrice di Borbone delle Due Sicilie; dal Segretario Generale Dott. Giampaolo Grazian; dal Delegato di Roma e Lazio Marchese Giuseppe Ferrajoli e dal Delegato Vicario di Roma e Lazio Avv. Gualtiero Ventura, è stato ricevuto dall’ Ammiraglio di Squadra Enrico Credendino.

L’incontro, svoltosi il 15 settembre scorso presso Palazzo della Marina, ha permesso a S.A.R. il Capo della Real Casa di consegnare all’Ammiraglio Credendino il suo diploma di Cavaliere di Gran Croce di Merito e la decorazione.

Delivery of the diploma of Knight Grand Officer of Merit to H.E. Dr. Matteo Piantedosi, Prefect of the city of Rome

Delivery of the diploma of Knight Grand Officer of Merit to H.E. Dr. Matteo Piantedosi, Prefect of the city of Rome

On September 13rd in Rome, H.E. Dr. Matteo Piantedosi, Prefect of the city of Rome, received His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro, at the Palace Valentini.

H.R.H. the Duke of Castro, Grand Master and Head of the Royal House of Bourbon Two Sicilies, was accompanied by the Grand Prefect H.R.H. Princess Beatrice of Bourbon Two Sicilies; by the Secretary General Dr. Giampaolo Grazian; by the Delegate of Rome and Latium, Marquis Giuseppe Ferrajoli and by the Vice Delegate of Rome and Latium, Esq. Gualtiero Ventura.

During the meeting, H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, in his capacity as Head of the Royal House and Grand Master of the Dynastic Orders, conferred on H.E. Dr. Piantedosi the diploma of Knight Grand Officer of Merit of the Constantinian Order and the corresponding decoration.

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