Messina, 30 December 2008. Constantinian Knights and Dames participated in annual solemn Eucharistic celebration that takes place every end of the year in the Constantinian church of Saint George Martyr in Castell’Umberto in the province of Messina. The liturgy was celebrated in accordance to the Byzantine rite and was officiated by Constantinian Chaplain Reverend Papas Lucini who was assisted by Reverend Don Antonio Cipriano,archpriest of Caronia and by don Giuseppe Di Giovanni parish priest of San Basilio in Palermo. The ceremony takes place every year and on the occasion the Constantinian Knights and Dames of the Sicilian Delegation draw the balance of the activities carried out during the year. Following the Holy mass the vice delegate for Sicily Doctor Antonio di Janni bestowed the Constantinian Benemerenti Medal to Mrs Giovanna Galli for the intense fundraising activities carried out in favor of Saint George’s Hospital in Uganda and to the militaries of the Italian Carabineer Corps. Among the authorities in attendance were the Mayor of the town of Castell’Umberto Alessandro Pruriti Ciarello, the commander of the carabineers of S.Agata Captain Costarelli. Among the Constantinian Knights were HE Prefect Gianfranco Romagnoli, Prof. Salvatore Mangione, Eng. Salvatore Sarpietro, Benedetto Salamone, Santa Ferito, Francesco Lupo, Vincenzo Scozzaro, Marcello Cantone, Davide Gentile and Rino Como.

Constantinian Knights and Dames participated in annual solemn Eucharistic celebration